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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing D, E, L, 2P and R

APPARELLEDapparelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of apparel.
APPAREL v. to dress.
APPLAUDERSapplauders n. Plural of applauder.
APPLAUDER n. one who applauds.
APPLEDRAINAPPLEDRAIN n. (US dialect) a wasp.
CLODHOPPERclodhopper n. A strong shoe for heavy-duty use, a boot.
clodhopper n. (US) Any kind of shoe.
clodhopper n. (Military slang) United States Navy ankle length work shoes, distinct from dress shoes or combat boots.
DAPPERLINGdapperling n. (Rare, archaic) A dwarf; a dandiprat; a dapper little fellow.
DAPPERLING n. (archaic) a dapper little fellow.
DIPPERFULSdipperfuls n. Plural of dipperful.
DIPPERFUL n. the contents of a dipper.
DISAPPARELdisapparel v. (Transitive) To disrobe; to strip of clothing.
DISAPPAREL v. to disrobe; to strip of apparel.
DOPPLERITEdopplerite n. (Mineralogy) A brownish-black native hydrocarbon occurring in elastic or jelly-like masses, derived…
DOPPLERITE n. a black elastic substance (calcium salts of humus acids) found in peat beds.
DROPPERFULdropperful n. Enough to fill a dropper.
DROPPERFUL n. the contents of a dropper.
HYPERPLOIDhyperploid adj. (Genetics) Having a number of chromosomes that exceeds an exact multiple of the haploid number.
hyperploid adj. (Medicine) Having a number of chromosomes that exceeds the diploid number.
hyperploid n. A hyperploid organism.
OVERLAPPEDoverlapped v. Simple past tense and past participle of overlap.
OVERLAP v. to extend over and cover.
PREAPPLIEDpreapplied v. Simple past tense and past participle of preapply.
PREAPPLY v. to apply beforehand.
PREDEVELOPpredevelop v. (Transitive) To develop in advance.
PREDEVELOP v. to develop in advance.
PREPAREDLYpreparedly adv. In a prepared manner.
PREPARED adv. PREPARE, to get ready.
PREPLANNEDpreplanned v. Simple past tense and past participle of preplan.
preplanned adj. Planned in advance.
PREPLAN v. to plan in advance.
PRINCIPLEDprincipled adj. Based on, having, or manifesting principles.
principled v. Simple past tense and past participle of principle.
PRINCIPLE v. to ground (a person) in the principles or elements of a subject.
RESUPPLIEDresupplied v. Simple past tense and past participle of resupply.
RESUPPLY v. to supply again.
UNCRIPPLEDuncrippled adj. Not crippled.
UNCRIPPLED adj. not crippled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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