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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing D, G, M, O, R and T

DERMATOGENdermatogen n. (Botany) Nascent epidermis, or external cuticle of plants in a forming condition.
DERMATOGEN n. the layer from which epidermis is formed at the growing point.
DIAGOMETERdiagometer n. A kind of electroscope in which the dry pile is employed to measure the amount of electricity transmitted…
DIAGOMETER n. an instrument for measuring electrical conductivity.
DIGITIFORMdigitiform adj. Having the shape of a finger.
DIGITIFORM adj. shaped like a finger.
DIGITORIUMdigitorium n. A small keyboard used by pianists for exercising the fingers, without producing any sound; a dumb piano.
DIGITORIUM n. (Latin) a silent piano for practicing.
DOGMATISERdogmatiser n. Alternative form of dogmatizer.
DOGMATISER n. one who dogmatises, also DOGMATIZER.
DOGMATIZERdogmatizer n. One who dogmatizes; a bold asserter.
DOGMATIZER n. one who dogmatizes, also DOGMATISER.
GEOMETRIDSgeometrids n. Plural of geometrid.
GEOMETRID n. any moth of the Geometridae, whose caterpillars are loopers.
GLOMERATEDglomerated v. Simple past tense and past participle of glomerate.
GLOMERATE v. to gather into a ball.
GODMOTHERSgodmothers n. Plural of godmother.
GODMOTHER v. to act as a godmother.
MODERATINGmoderating v. Present participle of moderate.
MODERATE v. to make less extreme.
MONTAGNARDMontagnard n. (Historical) A member of La Montagne (The Mountain), a French political group active 1792-1799 during…
Montagnard n. (Historical) A member of La Montagne (The Mountain), Democratic Socialists active 1849-1852 in the French…
Montagnard n. (Demonym) A member of the indigenous peoples of the Central Highlands of Vietnam.
MORDANTINGmordanting v. Present participle of mordant.
mordanting n. The use of mordant to fix a dye to a fibre.
MORDANT v. to impregnate or treat with a substance that combines with and fixes a dyestuff.
MOUTHGUARDmouthguard n. A device that fits into the mouth over one or both arches of teeth, which is usually made of plastic…
mouth␣guard n. Alternative form of mouthguard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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