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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing D, 2I, N and 2U

CUPIDINOUScupidinous adj. Characterized by or related to cupidity (greed, desire for wealth).
CUPIDINOUS adj. full of desire, amorous.
DIUTURNITYdiuturnity n. (Rare, obsolete) Long duration; lastingness.
DIUTURNITY n. long duration; lastingness.
FUSULINIDSfusulinids n. Plural of fusulinid.
FUSULINID n. any of a family of extinct marine foraminifera.
HIRUDINOUSHIRUDINOUS adj. of or like hirudin, a substance present in the salivary glands of leeches, used as an anticoagulant.
INDIVIDUUMindividuum n. An indivisible entity.
individuum n. A single individual person or thing.
INDIVIDUUM n. (Latin) an indivisible entity; an individual person.
INQUIETUDEinquietude n. A condition of being restless, uneasy or nervous.
INQUIETUDE n. a disturbed state.
NIDIFUGOUSnidifugous adj. (Biology, of a bird) That leaves the nest shortly after hatching.
NIDIFUGOUS adj. leaving the nest soon after hatching.
OUTGUIDINGOUTGUIDE v. to surpass in guiding.
PINGUITUDEpinguitude n. Fatness; obesity; the process of growing fat.
PINGUITUDE n. fatness.
SIPUNCULIDsipunculid n. (Zoology) Any member of the clade Sipuncula.
sipunculid n. (Zoology, uncommon) Any member of the family Sipunculidae, the peanut worms.
SIPUNCULID n. a kind of marine worm with a retractile proboscis, also SIPUNCULOID.
UNBUILDINGunbuilding v. Present participle of unbuild.
UNBUILD v. to demolish; to raze.
UNPURIFIEDunpurified adj. Not purified; impure.
UNPURIFIED adj. not purified.
UNUTILISEDunutilised adj. Alternative spelling of unutilized.
UNUTILISED adj. not utilised, also UNUTILIZED.
UNUTILIZEDunutilized adj. Not utilized; unused.
UNUTILIZED adj. not utilized, also UNUTILISED.
UPBUILDINGupbuilding v. Present participle of upbuild.
upbuilding n. The process of building something up; gradual development or accumulation.
UPBUILDING n. development; edification.
UREDINIUMSUREDINIUM n. a uredosorus, a sorus or pustule in which urediniospores are formed, also UREDIUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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