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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing D, I, 2M, N and R

GORMANDISMgormandism n. Alternative form of gourmandism.
GORMANDISM n. gluttony.
MASTERMINDmastermind n. A person with an extraordinary intellect or skill that is markedly superior to his or her peers.
mastermind n. A person responsible for the highest level of planning and execution of a major operation.
mastermind v. To act in the role of mastermind.
MERMAIDENSmermaidens n. Plural of mermaiden.
MERMAIDEN n. a mythical creature with a woman's upper body and a fish's tail, also MERMAID.
MIDMORNINGmidmorning n. The middle of the morning.
mid-morning adj. Of, relating to, or occurring in the midmorning.
mid-morning n. Alternative form of midmorning.
MISNOMEREDmisnomered v. Simple past tense and past participle of misnomer.
MISNOMER v. to use a misnomer.
MODERNISMSmodernisms n. Plural of modernism.
MODERNISM n. a modern usage, expression, or trait.
MONADIFORMmonadiform adj. (Biology) Having the form of a monad; resembling a monad in having one or more filaments of vibratile protoplasm.
MONADIFORM adj. having the form of a monad.
MRIDANGAMSmridangams n. Plural of mridangam.
MRIDANGAM n. (Sanskrit) a two-headed Indian drum, one head being larger than the other, also MRIDAMGAM, MRIDANG, MRIDANGA.
MYRMIDONESMYRMIDON n. (Greek) a loyal follower, esp. a subordinate who follows orders unquestioningly or pitilessly.
WINDJAMMERwindjammer n. (US, slang, dated) One who plays a wind instrument, especially a bugler in the army.
windjammer n. (Nautical) A sailing ship; especially a large, iron-hulled, square-rigged ship with three or more masts.
windjammer n. (Nautical) A member of the crew of a ship of this kind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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