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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing 2D, E, L and 2R

BLADDERWORTbladderwort n. Any of many aquatic carnivorous plants, of the genus Utricularia, that have open bladders that trap…
BLADDERWORT n. a kind of seaweed.
BORDERLANDSborderlands n. Plural of borderland.
BORDERLAND n. territory at or near a border.
CARDHOLDERScardholders n. Plural of cardholder.
CARDHOLDER n. one who possesses a card and esp. a credit card.
DAREDEVILRYdaredevilry n. Reckless boldness.
DAREDEVILRY n. the state of being a daredevil, also DAREDEVILTRY.
DASTARDLIERdastardlier adj. Comparative form of dastardly: more dastardly.
DASTARDLY adj. like a dastard, despicable.
DENDROLATRYdendrolatry n. The worship of trees.
DENDROLATRY n. worship of trees.
DREAMWORLDSdreamworlds n. Plural of dreamworld.
dream-worlds n. Plural of dream-world.
dream␣worlds n. Plural of dream world.
DRUMBLEDORSDRUMBLEDOR n. a large flying beetle, also DUMBLEDORE.
INTERLARDEDinterlarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of interlard.
INTERLARD v. to place lard or bacon amongst; to mix, as fat meat with lean.
LADDERPROOFLADDERPROOF adj. of tights etc., not susceptible to laddering.
LEADERBOARDleaderboard n. A board showing the ranking of leaders in a competition.
leaderboard n. (Web design) An advertisement on a web page spanning the width of the page and shallow in height.
leader␣board n. Alternative form of leaderboard.
REDELIVEREDredelivered v. Simple past tense and past participle of redeliver.
REDELIVER v. to deliver or give back; to return.
RELAUNDEREDrelaundered v. Simple past tense and past participle of relaunder.
RELAUNDER v. to launder again.
TARRADIDDLEtarradiddle n. A trivial lie, a fib.
tarradiddle n. Silly talk or writing; humbug.
TARRADIDDLE n. a fib; a piece of pretentious nonsense, also TARADIDDLE.
UNDERWORLDSunderworlds n. Plural of underworld.
Underworlds n. Plural of Underworld.
UNDERWORLD n. the place of departed souls.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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