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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing D, G, M, 2R and S

DEMOGRAPHERSdemographers n. Plural of demographer.
DEMOGRAPHER n. a student of demography.
DEPROGRAMMESdeprogrammes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of deprogramme.
DEPROGRAMME v. to prevail on a person to reject obsessive beliefs, also DEPROGRAM.
DOGBERRYISMSdogberryisms n. Plural of dogberryism.
Dogberryisms n. Plural of Dogberryism.
DOGBERRYISM n. the state of being like Dogberry, a foolish meddling person.
DRAMATURGIESdramaturgies n. Plural of dramaturgy.
DRAMATURGY n. the art of producing and staging dramatic works.
DRAMATURGISTdramaturgist n. A person who composes a drama and directs its representation; a playwright.
DRAMATURGIST n. a dramatist; specifically a reader and literary editor etc. to a permanent theatrical company, also DRAMATURG, DRAMATURGE.
GENDARMERIESgendarmeries n. Plural of gendarmerie.
GENDARMERIE n. (French) the French police, also GENDARMERY.
GERRYMANDERSgerrymanders n. Plural of gerrymander.
gerrymanders v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gerrymander.
GERRYMANDER v. to rearrange (voting districts) in the interests of a particular party or candidate, also JERRYMANDER.
GORMANDISERSgormandisers n. Plural of gormandiser.
GORMANDISER n. one who eats to excess, also GORMANDIZER.
GORMANDIZERSgormandizers n. Plural of gormandizer.
GORMANDIZER n. one who eats to excess, also GORMANDISER.
GRADIOMETERSgradiometers n. Plural of gradiometer.
GRADIOMETER n. an instrument for measuring gradient of a physical quantity.
GRANDMASTERSgrandmasters n. Plural of grandmaster.
Grandmasters n. Plural of Grandmaster.
grand␣masters n. Plural of grand master.
GRANDMOTHERSgrandmothers n. Plural of grandmother.
grand-mothers n. Plural of grand-mother.
GRANDMOTHER n. the mother of one's mother or father.
HYDRARGYRISMhydrargyrism n. (Medicine) A diseased condition produced by poisoning with hydrargyrum, or mercury; mercurialism.
HYDRARGYRISM n. mercury poisoning, also HYDRARGYRIA.
HYDRARGYRUMSHYDRARGYRUM n. an obsolete name for mercury.
MISPROGRAMEDmisprogramed v. Simple past tense and past participle of misprogram.
MISPROGRAM v. to program incorrectly.
MISRECORDINGmisrecording v. Present participle of misrecord.
MISRECORD v. to record incorrectly.
MISREGARDINGmisregarding v. Present participle of misregard.
MISREGARD v. (Spenser) to have no regard for.
MISRENDERINGmisrendering v. Present participle of misrender.
misrendering n. An incorrect rendering.
MISRENDER v. to render wrongly; to translate or recite wrongly.
SMORGASBORDSsmorgasbords n. Plural of smorgasbord.
smörgåsbords n. Plural of smörgåsbord.
SMORGASBORD n. (Norwegian) a buffet featuring various dishes, such as hors d'oeuvres, salads, etc., also SMORBROD, SMORG, SMORREBROD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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