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There are 20 eight-letter words containing D, E, N, P, S and T

DEPAINTSdepaints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of depaint.
DEPAINT v. (Spenser) to paint, also DEPEINCT.
NOTEPADSnotepads n. Plural of notepad.
note␣pads n. Plural of note pad.
NOTEPAD n. a number of sheets of paper glued together at one end.
OUTSPENDoutspend v. (Transitive) To spend more than some limit or than another entity.
OUTSPEND v. to exceed the limits of in spending.
PANDECTSpandects n. Plural of pandect.
PANDECT n. a treatise covering the whole of any subject, esp. the complete laws of a country.
PENDANTSpendants n. Plural of pendant.
PENDANT n. anything hanging, esp. for ornament.
PENDENTSpendents n. Plural of pendent.
PENDENT n. anything hanging, esp. for ornament.
PENTISEDPENTISE v. to provide with a penthouse, also PENTICE.
PENTODESpentodes n. Plural of pentode.
PENTODE n. a type of electron tube.
PORTENDSportends v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of portend.
PORTEND v. to serve as an omen of.
PRETENDSpretends v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pretend.
PRETEND v. to make believe.
PROTENDSprotends v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of protend.
PROTEND v. (archaic) to stretch forth, hold out.
SPLINTEDsplinted v. Simple past tense and past participle of splint.
SPLINT v. to put a splint on.
SPRENTEDsprented v. Simple past tense and past participle of sprent.
SPRENT v. to spring or leap forward in an agile way.
SPRINTEDsprinted v. Simple past tense and past participle of sprint.
SPRINT v. to run at top speed.
STEWPONDstewpond n. Synonym of stew (“a pool in which fish are kept in preparation for eating”).
stew␣pond n. Alternative form of stewpond.
STEWPOND n. a fish pond.
STIPENDSstipends n. Plural of stipend.
STIPEND n. a fixed amount paid periodically, esp. to a clergyman.
TONEPADStonepads n. Plural of tonepad.
TONEPAD n. an electronic device that allows data to be input into a computer from a distance.
UNADEPTSunadepts n. Plural of unadept.
UNADEPT n. a person who is not adept or skilled.
UNPOSTEDunposted adj. Not posted; unsent, unmailed.
unposted adj. Not assigned to a military post.
UNPOSTED adj. not posted.
UPTRENDSuptrends n. Plural of uptrend.
UPTREND n. a tendency toward growth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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