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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing D, 2E, S, U and X

DEXTEROUSdexterous adj. Skillful with one’s hands.
dexterous adj. Skillful in some specific thing.
dexterous adj. Agile; flexible; able to move fluidly and gracefully.
DIAZEUXESDIAZEUXIS n. in Greek music, the separation of two tetrachords by a whole tone.
DUPLEXERSduplexers n. Plural of duplexer.
DUPLEXER n. a system allowing use of the same aerial for transmission and response.
EXCLUDEESexcludees n. Plural of excludee.
EXCLUDEE n. someone who is excluded.
EXCLUDERSexcluders n. Plural of excluder.
EXCLUDER n. one who excludes.
EXHAUSTEDexhausted adj. Very tired; in a state of exhaustion.
exhausted adj. Depleted of resources.
exhausted adj. (Sciences, now historical) Emptied of contents, especially of air; that has been made into a vacuum.
EXTRUDERSextruders n. Plural of extruder.
EXTRUDER n. something or someone that extrudes.
HUMIDEXEShumidexes n. Plural of humidex.
HUMIDEX n. (Canadian) a system of measuring discomfort showing the combined effects of humidity and temperature.
PSEUDAXESpseudaxes n. Plural of pseudaxis.
PSEUDAXIS n. a sympodium, an axis made up of the basal portions of several branches.
SEXTUPLEDsextupled v. Simple past tense and past participle of sextuple.
SEXTUPLE v. to multiply sixfold.
UNEXCUSEDunexcused adj. That has not been excused.
UNEXCUSED adj. not excused.
UNEXPOSEDunexposed adj. That has not been exposed.
UNEXPOSED adj. not exposed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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