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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing D, E, G, I, N and Z

DEGLAZINGdeglazing v. Present participle of deglaze.
deglazing n. (Usually in the plural) A piece of deglazed food from a pan.
deglazing n. The process by which a pan is deglazed.
DEZINCINGdezincing v. Present participle of dezinc.
DEZINC v. to remove zinc from.
DRAGONIZEdragonize v. (Transitive) To turn into a dragon.
dragonize v. (Transitive, rare) To guard attentively; to watch over.
DRAGONIZE v. to turn into a dragon, also DRAGONISE.
ENERGIZEDenergized v. Simple past tense and past participle of energize.
ENERGIZE v. to give energy to, also ENERGISE.
GENDERIZEgenderize v. (Transitive) To bestow gender upon; to make male or female, or assign masculine or feminine qualities to.
GENDERIZE v. to make distinctions according to gender, also GENDERISE.
LEGENDIZElegendize v. (Transitive) To exalt to the status of a legend.
LEGENDIZE v. to make into a legend, also LEGENDISE.
ORGANIZEDorganized adj. (Of things or settings) Having been organized; in good order.
organized adj. (Of a person) Characterised by efficient organization.
organized adj. Unionized.
PAGANIZEDpaganized v. Simple past tense and past participle of paganize.
PAGANIZE v. to make irreligious, also PAGANISE.
PIDGINIZEpidginize v. (Linguistics, transitive) To convert or adapt into a pidgin language.
PIDGINIZE v. to make into pidgin, also PIDGINISE.
ZYGAENOIDzygaenoid n. (Zoology).
ZYGAENOID adj. relating to the moth family Zygaenidae, that includes burnet moths, also ZYGAENID.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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