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There are 20 words containing D, E, F, M, R and Y

REMODIFYremodify v. To modify again.
REMODIFY v. to modify again.
DEFORMITYdeformity n. The state of being deformed.
deformity n. An ugly or misshapen feature or characteristic.
DEFORMITY n. the state of being deformed.
MIDWIFERYmidwifery n. The practice and science of being a midwife.
MIDWIFERY n. the occupation of a midwife.
PREMODIFYpremodify v. To modify in advance.
PREMODIFY v. to modify beforehand.
DEFAMATORYdefamatory adj. Damaging to someone’s reputation, especially if untrue.
DEFAMATORY adj. serving to defame.
DEFORMEDLYdeformedly adv. In a deformed manner.
DEFORMED adv. DEFORM, to spoil the form of.
DEFRAYMENTdefrayment n. The payment of charges.
DEFRAYMENT n. the payment of charges, also DEFRAYAL.
DREAMFULLYdreamfully adv. In a dreamful manner.
DREAMFUL adv. full of dreams.
INFORMEDLYinformedly adv. In an informed manner.
INFORMED adv. INFORM, to pass on information, also ENFORM.
CONFIRMEDLYconfirmedly adv. In a manner that is confirmed; definitely, as has been demonstrated.
CONFIRMED adv. CONFIRM, to assure the validity of.
DEFRAYMENTSdefrayments n. Plural of defrayment.
DEFRAYMENT n. the payment of charges, also DEFRAYAL.
REMODIFYINGremodifying v. Present participle of remodify.
REMODIFY v. to modify again.
DEFAMATORILYdefamatorily adv. In a defamatory manner.
DEFAMATORY adv. serving to defame.
FORMALDEHYDEformaldehyde n. (Organic chemistry) The simplest aldehyde, HCHO, a colourless gas that has many industrial applications;…
FORMALDEHYDE n. a formic aldehyde, formalin.
PREMODIFYINGpremodifying v. Present participle of premodify.
PREMODIFY v. to modify beforehand.
DEFORMABILITYdeformability n. (Uncountable) The state of being deformable.
deformability n. (Countable) A measure of the extent to which something is deformable (under standard conditions).
DEFORMABILITY n. the quality of being deformable.
FORMALDEHYDESformaldehydes n. Plural of formaldehyde.
FORMALDEHYDE n. a formic aldehyde, formalin.
DIFFRACTOMETRYdiffractometry n. The elucidation of the structures of crystalline materials by the use of X-ray diffraction.
DIFFRACTOMETRY n. measurement by diffractometer.
FERROMOLYBDENUMferromolybdenum n. An iron-molybdenum alloy.
FERROMOLYBDENUM n. an alloy of iron with molybdenum.
FIDEICOMMISSARYfideicommissary n. (Law, ancient Rome) the beneficiary of a fideicommissum.
FIDEICOMMISSARY adj. relating to a fideicommissum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 470 words
  • Scrabble in French: 43 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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