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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing D, I, L, 2O, T and U

AUDIOLOGISTSaudiologists n. Plural of audiologist.
AUDIOLOGIST n. one who studies hearing.
COLOQUINTIDAcoloquintida n. (Obsolete) Colocynth, a viny plant bearing extremely bitter fruit.
COLOQUINTIDA n. (Greek) a cucurbitaceous plant with bitter-tasting gourds, also COLOCYNTH.
CONDUCTIONALconductional adj. Relating to, or by means of conduction.
CONDUCTIONAL adj. relating to conduction.
CONDUCTORIALconductorial adj. Characteristic of a conductor (especially one who directs an orchestra).
CONDUCTORIAL adj. of or like a conductor.
DEMODULATIONdemodulation n. The inverse of the effect of modulation, or applying a signal to a carrier.
DEMODULATION n. the act of demodulating.
DEPOPULATIONdepopulation n. The act of depopulating or condition of being depopulated; the destruction or expulsion of inhabitants.
DEPOPULATION n. the act of depopulating.
DISSOLUTIONSdissolutions n. Plural of dissolution.
DISSOLUTION n. separation into component parts.
EDULCORATIONedulcoration n. (Rare) A sweetening.
edulcoration n. (Rare) The process of edulcorating.
edulcoration n. (Chemistry) The process of removing acid or other impurities from a substance.
FLUORIDATIONfluoridation n. (Chemistry) The act or process of adding fluoride to something, especially water.
FLUORIDATION n. the act of fluoridating.
FOUNDATIONALfoundational adj. Of, or relating to a foundation or foundations.
foundational adj. Fundamental or underlying.
FOUNDATIONAL adj. of or like a foundation.
HEMODILUTIONhemodilution n. (Pathology) An increase in the fluid content of blood (and thus a diminution of the number of cells).
HEMODILUTION n. decreased concentration of cells and solids in the blood resulting from gain of fluid, also HAEMODILUTION.
IDOLATROUSLYidolatrously adv. In an idolatrous manner.
IDOLATROUS adv. of or pertaining to idolatry.
LEONTOPODIUMLeontopodium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae – some of the daisies.
LEONTOPODIUM n. any plant of the Eurasian alpine genus Leontopodium, that includes edelweiss.
MULTICOLOREDmulticolored adj. (American spelling) Having multiple colors.
multi-colored adj. Alternative form of multicolored.
MULTICOLORED adj. having many colors, also MULTICOLOURED.
NONCUSTODIALnoncustodial adj. (Of a parent) Not having custody of a child.
noncustodial adj. (Of a trial sentence) That does not involve a term in prison.
NONCUSTODIAL adj. of or being a parent who does not have sole custody of a child or who has custody a smaller portion of the time.
PRODUCTIONALproductional adj. Of or pertaining to production.
PRODUCTIONAL adj. relating to production.
SOLITUDINOUSsolitudinous adj. Characterised by solitude.
SOLITUDINOUS adj. related to solitude.
TAUTOLOGISEDtautologised v. Simple past tense and past participle of tautologise.
TAUTOLOGISE v. to use tautology, also TAUTOLOGIZE.
TAUTOLOGIZEDtautologized v. Simple past tense and past participle of tautologize.
TAUTOLOGIZE v. to use tautology, also TAUTOLOGISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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