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There are 17 words containing D, L, O, 2S, U and V

AUDIOVISUALSaudiovisuals n. Audiovisual material.
AUDIOVISUAL n. a device designed to aid in learning or teaching by making use of both hearing and sight.
CONVOLUTEDNESSconvolutedness n. The quality of being convoluted.
CONVOLUTEDNESS n. the state of being convoluted.
DEVOLUTIONISTSdevolutionists n. Plural of devolutionist.
DEVOLUTIONIST n. a believer in a policy of devolution.
DISSOLUTIVEdissolutive adj. (Now rare) Producing dissolution; dissolvent.
DISSOLUTIVE adj. causing dissolution.
DIVERTICULOSESdiverticuloses n. Plural of diverticulosis.
DIVERTICULOSIS n. an intestinal disorder characterized by the presence of many diverticula.
DIVERTICULOSISdiverticulosis n. (Pathology) The condition of having diverticula, or small pouches, formed along the mucosa of the colon.
DIVERTICULOSIS n. an intestinal disorder characterized by the presence of many diverticula.
DIVULSIONSdivulsions n. Plural of divulsion.
DIVULSION n. the act of pulling or rendering apart or away.
OVERSCHEDULESoverschedules v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overschedule.
POSTDILUVIANSpostdiluvians n. Plural of postdiluvian.
POSTDILUVIAN n. someone or something occurring in such a period.
SOURVELDSsourvelds n. Plural of sourveld.
SOURVELD n. (South African) in South Africa, a type of grazing characterised by long coarse grass.
SUBDEVELOPMENTSsubdevelopments n. Plural of subdevelopment.
SUBDEVELOPMENT n. a subdivision of a development.
SUBDIVISIONALsubdivisional adj. Relating to a subdivision.
SUBDIVISIONAL adj. relating to a subdivision.
SUBVOCALISEDSUBVOCALISE v. to say below the breath, also SUBVOCALIZE.
UNAVOIDABLENESSunavoidableness n. Unavoidability.
UNAVOIDABLENESS n. the state of being unavoidable.
UNDISSOLVEDundissolved adj. Not dissolved.
UNDISSOLVED adj. not dissolved.
UNDISSOLVINGundissolving adj. That does not dissolve.
UNDISSOLVING adj. not dissolving.
UNRESOLVEDNESSunresolvedness n. The state or quality of being unresolved.
UNRESOLVEDNESS n. the state of being unresolved.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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