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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing E, H and Q

CHEQUEcheque n. (Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, UK) A draft directing a bank to pay money to a named person or entity.
CHEQUE n. a written order directing a bank to pay money.
CHEQUYchequy adj. (Heraldry) Chequered.
CHEQUY adj. checkered, also CHECKY.
HAIQUEhaique n. Alternative form of haik.
HAIQUE n. (Arabic) an Arab head covering, also HAIK, HAICK, HYKE.
QUEACHqueach n. (Archaic) A thick, bushy plot; a thicket.
QUEACH n. (obsolete) a thicket, a dense growth of bushes.
QUELCHquelch v. (Transitive) To squelch; to eliminate.
quelch v. (Dialect, intransitive) To make a squelching sound.
quelch n. (Dialectal) A blow; a bang.
QUENCHquench v. (Transitive) To satisfy, especially a literal or figurative thirst.
quench v. (Transitive) To extinguish or put out (as a fire or light).
quench v. (Transitive, metallurgy) To cool rapidly by direct contact with liquid coolant, as a blacksmith quenching hot iron.
QUETCHquetch v. Alternative form of quitch.
QUETCH v. (dialect) to stir, move, also QUATCH, QUICH, QUINCHE, QUITCH.
QUETHEquethe v. (Obsolete except in past tense quoth) To say or declare.
QUETHE v. (obsolete) to quote.
QUICHEquiche n. A pie made primarily of eggs and cream in a pastry crust. Other ingredients such as chopped meat or…
quiche adj. (Slang) Extremely appealing to look at; sexually alluring.
Quiché prop.n. Alternative form of K’iche’.
SHEQELsheqel n. Alternative spelling of shekel.
SHEQEL n. (Hebrew) an ancient unit of weight and money, also SHEKEL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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