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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing E, F, N and Q

AQUAFITNESSaquafitness n. Water aerobics, typically preceded or followed by stretching exercises.
AQUAFITNESS n. fitness obtained through water-based exercise.
CINQUEFOILScinquefoils n. Plural of cinquefoil.
CINQUEFOIL n. a wildflower, aka rockrose.
EQUIFINALLYEQUIFINAL adv. having the same result.
FREQUENCIESfrequencies n. Plural of frequency.
FREQUENCY n. commonness of recurrence, also FREQUENCE.
FREQUENTERSfrequenters n. Plural of frequenter.
FREQUENTER n. one who frequents.
FREQUENTESTfrequentest adj. (Rare) superlative form of frequent: most frequent.
FREQUENT adj. occurring often.
FREQUENTINGfrequenting v. Present participle of frequent.
FREQUENT v. to go to habitually.
INFREQUENCEinfrequence n. Dated form of infrequency.
INFREQUENCE n. rarity of occurrence, also INFREQUENCY.
INFREQUENCYinfrequency n. The characteristic of being infrequent.
infrequency n. The state of being unfrequented; isolation; seclusion.
INFREQUENCY n. rarity of occurrence, also INFREQUENCE.
MEFLOQUINESMEFLOQUINE n. an antimalarial drug.
QUANTIFIERSquantifiers n. Plural of quantifier.
QUANTIFIER n. one that quantifies.
QUEENCRAFTSQUEENCRAFT n. craft or skill in policy on the part of a queen.
QUEENFISHESqueenfishes n. Plural of queenfish.
QUEENFISH n. a Californian blue-and-silver fish, aka DRUMFISH.
UNFREQUENTSunfrequents v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unfrequent.
UNFREQUENT v. to stop frequenting.
UNLIQUEFIEDunliquefied adj. Not liquefied.
UNLIQUEFIED adj. not liquefied.
UNQUALIFIEDunqualified adj. Not qualified, ineligible, unfit for a position or task.
unqualified adj. Not elaborated upon, or not accompanied by restrictions or qualification; undescribed.
unqualified adj. Outright; thorough; utter.
UNQUALIFIESunqualifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unqualify.
UNQUALIFY v. to disqualify; to unfit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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