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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 5 five-letter words containing E, F, G and I

FEIGNfeign v. To make a false show or pretence of; to counterfeit or simulate.
feign v. To imagine; to invent; to pretend to do something.
feign v. To make an action as if doing one thing, but actually doing another, for example to trick an opponent; to feint.
FIDGEfidge v. (Obsolete, dialectal, Scotland) To fidget; jostle or shake.
fidge n. (Obsolete, dialectal, Scotland) A shake; fiddle or similar agitation.
Fidge prop.n. A surname.
FOGIEfogie n. Alternative spelling of fogey.
FOGIE n. a person with an old-fashioned outlook, also FOGY, FOGEY, FOGRAM.
FUGIEfugie n. (Scotland) A cock that will not fight.
fugie n. (Scotland) A fugitive; a runaway.
FUGIE n. (Scots) a cock that will not fight, a runaway.
GRIEFgrief n. Suffering, hardship.
grief n. Emotional pain, generally arising from misfortune, significant personal loss, bereavement, misconduct…
grief n. (Countable) Cause or instance of sorrow or pain; that which afflicts or distresses; trial.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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