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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing E, F, H and I

CHIEFSchiefs n. Plural of chief.
chiefs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chief.
CHIEF n. the highest in authority.
ELFISHelfish adj. Characteristic of an elf; elfin, elven.
elfish adj. Mischievous.
ELFISH adj. like an elf, also ELVISH.
FEHMICFehmic adj. Alternative form of Vehmic.
FEHMIC adj. pertaining to a fehm, a mediaeval German court, also VEHMIC, VEHMIQUE.
FETICHfetich n. Dated form of fetish.
FETICH n. a fixation, also FETISH, FETICHE.
FETISHfetish n. Something which is believed to possess, contain, or cause spiritual or magical powers; an amulet or a talisman.
fetish n. Sexual attraction to or arousal at something abnormally sexual or nonsexual, such as an object or a…
fetish n. An irrational, or abnormal fixation or preoccupation; an obsession.
FICHESfiches n. Plural of fiche.
FICHE n. (French) a card or strip of film containing miniaturized data.
FISHEDfished v. Simple past tense and past participle of fish.
FISH v. to try to catch cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates.
FISHERfisher n. A person who catches fish, especially for a living or for sport; a person engaging in the pastime of fishing.
fisher n. A North American marten, Martes pennanti, that has thick brown fur.
fisher n. The fur of Martes pennanti.
FISHESfishes n. Plural of fish.
fishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fish.
Fishes prop.n. Plural of Fish.
FITCHEfitché adj. Alternative form of fitchy.
FITCHE adj. in heraldry, coming to a point, also FITCHY, FITCHEE.
HEIFERheifer n. A young female cow, (particularly) one over one year old but which has not calved.
heifer n. (Obsolete) A wife.
heifer n. (Informal, derogatory, obsolete) A girl or young woman.
SHERIFsherif n. Alternative form of shereef.
Sherif prop.n. A surname from Arabic.
SHERIF n. (Arabic) a descendant of the prophet Muhammad through his daughter Fatima, also SHARIF, SHEREEF.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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