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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 16 six-letter words containing E, G, I and K

DEKINGdeking v. Present participle of deke.
DEKE v. to feint in hockey.
EIKINGEIK v. (Scots) to augment, also ECH, ECHE, EECH, EKE, ICH.
EUKINGEUK v. (dialect) to itch, also EWK, YEUK, YOUK, YUKE.
EWKINGEWK v. (dialect) to itch, also EUK, YEUK, YOUK, YUKE.
GLIKESglikes n. Plural of glike.
GLIKE n. (Shakespeare) a sneer; a flout.
GRIKESgrikes n. Plural of grike.
GRIKE n. (Old Norse) a crevice in a limestone pavement, also GRYKE.
KAEINGKAE v. (Scots) to serve, also KA.
KEIGHTkeight v. (Obsolete) simple past tense of catch.
KETCH v. (obsolete) to catch.
KEYINGkeying v. Present participle of key.
keying n. In the sociology of Erving Goffman, an action or utterance that signals the meaning of interaction to participants.
keying n. The input of text or data by means of a keyboard.
KIDGIEKIDGIE adj. (Scots) brisk, cheerful, also CADGY, KEDGE, KEDGY, KIDGE.
KILERGkilerg n. Alternative form of kiloerg.
KILERG n. a thousand ergs.
KINGEDkinged v. Simple past tense and past participle of king.
KING v. to make king; to provide with a king.
KINGLEKINGLE n. (Scots) a very hard rock esp. sandstone.
KLIEGSkliegs n. Plural of klieg.
KLIEG n. a kind of electric lamp used in filming.
REKINGREKE v. (Spenser) to reckon, care for, heed, also REAK, RECK.
SKEIGHSKEIGH adj. (Scots) (of a horse) skittish, spirited; (of a person, esp. a woman) shy, coy, disdainful, proud.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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