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There are 20 six-letter words containing E, U and 2Z

BUZZEDbuzzed adj. (Slang) Slightly intoxicated.
buzzed v. Simple past tense and past participle of buzz.
BUZZ v. to make a vibrating sound.
BUZZERbuzzer n. One who, or that which, buzzes; an insect that buzzes.
buzzer n. A device that makes a buzzing sound.
buzzer n. (US slang) A police badge.
BUZZESbuzzes n. Plural of buzz.
buzzes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of buzz.
BUZZ v. to make a vibrating sound.
CUZZEScuzzes n. Plural of cuz.
CUZ n. (obsolete) cousin, also COZ.
CUZZIECUZZIE n. (New Zealand) a close friend or family member.
FUZZEDfuzzed v. Simple past tense and past participle of fuzz.
FUZZ v. to become fuzzy.
FUZZESfuzzes n. Plural of fuzz.
fuzzes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fuzz.
FUZZ v. to become fuzzy.
FUZZLEfuzzle v. (Obsolete, transitive) To make drunk; to intoxicate.
FUZZLE v. (dialect) to intoxicate, confuse, muddle.
GUZZLEguzzle v. To drink or eat quickly, voraciously, or to excess; to gulp down; to swallow greedily, continually, or with gusto.
guzzle v. (Intransitive, dated) To consume alcoholic beverages, especially frequently or habitually.
guzzle v. (By extension) To consume anything quickly, greedily, or to excess, as if with insatiable thirst.
LUZZESLUZ n. a supposedly indestructible bone in the sacrum.
MEZUZAmezuza n. Alternative spelling of mezuzah.
MEZUZA n. (Hebrew) a small rolled parchment affixed to the doorposts in Jewish houses in fulfilment of the Torah's command to inscribe God's words upon the doorposts of one's house, also MEZUZAH.
MUZZEDMUZZ v. to make muzzy (confused).
MUZZESMUZZ v. to make muzzy (confused).
MUZZLEmuzzle n. The protruding part of an animal’s head which includes the nose, mouth and jaws.
muzzle n. (Slang, derogatory, by extension) A person’s mouth.
muzzle n. A device used to prevent an animal from biting or eating, which is worn on its snout.
NUZZERnuzzer n. (India) A present given to a superior.
NUZZER n. (Hindi) a present to a superior.
NUZZLEnuzzle v. (Transitive, intransitive) (of animals, lovers, etc) To touch someone or something with the nose.
nuzzle v. (Obsolete) To nurse; to foster; to bring up.
nuzzle v. (Obsolete) To nestle; to house, as in a nest.
PUZZELpuzzel n. (Obsolete) A harlot; a hussy.
PUZZEL n. (obsolete) a maid, a slut, also PUCELLE, PUSSEL, PUZEL.
PUZZLEpuzzle n. Anything that is difficult to understand or make sense of.
puzzle n. A game for one or more people that is more or less difficult to work out or complete.
puzzle n. A crossword puzzle.
TUZZEStuzzes n. Plural of tuz.
tuzzes n. Plural of tuzz.
TUZZ n. a tuft.
WUZZLEwuzzle v. (Transitive, US, dialect, dated) To jumble or confuse.
WUZZLE v. (US) to jumble.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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