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There are 16 eight-letter words containing 2E, F and Z

DEFREEZEdefreeze v. (Rare, nonstandard) To defrost, to unfreeze.
DEFREEZE v. to thaw out, defrost.
DEFROZENdefrozen v. Past participle of defreeze.
DEFREEZE v. to thaw out, defrost.
ENFREEZEenfreeze v. (Obsolete, transitive) To freeze; to congeal.
ENFREEZE v. to freeze; to congeal.
ENFROZENenfrozen v. Past participle of enfreeze.
ENFREEZE v. to freeze; to congeal.
FEMINIZEfeminize v. (Transitive) To make (more) feminine.
feminize v. (Intransitive) To become (more) feminine.
FEMINIZE v. to make womanly, also FEMINISE.
FIBERIZEfiberize v. To break (up) into fibers, shred to fine threads.
FIBERIZE v. to break into fibers, also FIBERISE.
FREEZERSfreezers n. Plural of freezer.
FREEZER n. an appliance for freezing food.
FREEZINGfreezing adj. (Literally) Suffering or causing frost.
freezing adj. (By extension, chiefly hyperbolic) Very cold.
freezing adj. (With above or below) Zero °C, the freezing point of water.
FRENZIEDfrenzied adj. In a state of hurry, panic or wild activity.
FRENZY v. to make frantic, also PHRENSY.
FRENZIESfrenzies n. Plural of frenzy.
FRENZY v. to make frantic, also PHRENSY.
FRIZETTEfrizette n. A fringe of hair or curls around a woman’s forehead.
frizette n. (Historical) A pad of frizzed hair or silk formerly worn by women under the hair to stuff it out.
FRIZETTE n. (French) a frizzed fringe of hair, also FRISETTE.
FUZELESSFUZELESS adj. without a fuze, also FUSELESS.
PREFROZEprefroze v. Simple past tense of prefreeze.
PREFREEZE v. to freeze beforehand.
REFREEZErefreeze v. (Transitive) To freeze again.
refreeze v. (Intransitive) To freeze again.
REFREEZE v. to freeze again.
REFROZENrefrozen adj. Having been frozen again.
refrozen v. Past participle of refreeze.
REFREEZE v. to freeze again.
UNFREEZEunfreeze v. (Transitive) To defrost something.
unfreeze v. (Intransitive) To thaw.
unfreeze v. (Intransitive) To resume movement.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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