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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing E, 2L, M and V

LEVAMISOLElevamisole n. (Organic chemistry) A synthetic imidazothiazole derivative whose hydrochloride is used as an antibiotic.
MALEVOLENTmalevolent adj. Having or displaying ill will; wishing harm on others.
malevolent adj. Having an evil or harmful influence.
MALEVOLENT adj. wishing evil.
MARVELLERSmarvellers n. Plural of marveller.
MARVELLER n. one who marvels, also MARVELER.
MARVELLINGmarvelling v. Present participle of marvel.
marvelling n. The act of one who marvels; amazement.
MARVEL v. to be filled with wonder.
MARVELLOUSmarvellous adj. (British spelling) Exciting wonder or surprise; astonishing; wonderful.
MARVELLOUS adj. astonishing, very pleasing, also MARVELOUS.
MEDIEVALLYmedievally adv. In a medieval way.
MEDIEVAL adv. belonging to the Middle Ages, also MEDIAEVAL.
MINIVOLLEYminivolley n. A simplified form of volleyball for young children.
MINIVOLLEY n. a scaled down version of volleyball.
MOVELESSLYmovelessly adv. Motionlessly.
MOVELESS adv. incapable of movement.
MULTILEVELmultilevel adj. Having several levels or floors.
multi-level adj. Alternative spelling of multilevel.
MULTIVALVEmultivalve adj. Having or involving multiple valves (in any context); thus…
multivalve n. (Zoology) A multivalve mollusc.
PRIMEVALLYprimevally adv. In a primeval manner; in or from the earliest times; originally.
PRIMEVAL adv. belonging to the earth's beginnings, also PRIMAEVAL.
VERMEILLEDvermeilled adj. Alternative form of vermeiled.
VERMEIL v. to colour red, also VERMIL.
VERMEILLESVERMEILLE v. to make crimson.
VERMICELLIvermicelli n. Long, slender pasta, similar to spaghetti, only thinner.
vermicelli n. Any type of long, thin noodles, as in rice vermicelli.
vermicelli n. (UK) Chocolate sprinkles.
VERMILLIONvermillion n. Alternative spelling of vermilion.
vermillion adj. Alternative spelling of vermilion.
vermillion v. (Archaic) Alternative spelling of vermilion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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