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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing E, N, O and 2Y

CYANOPHYTEcyanophyte n. (Bacteriology) cyanobacterium.
CYANOPHYTE n. a blue-green alga.
CYANOTYPEScyanotypes n. Plural of cyanotype.
CYANOTYPE n. a blueprint.
DYNAMOGENYdynamogeny n. (Psychology) The production of nervous energy, stimulation of the nerves.
DYNAMOGENY n. production of increased nervous activity, also DYNAMOGENESIS.
EMBRYOGENYembryogeny n. (Biology) Embryogenesis.
EMBRYOGENY n. the production and development of an embryo.
ENZYMOLOGYenzymology n. (Biology) The branch of science that studies enzymes.
ENZYMOLOGY n. the study of enzymes.
GYNECOLOGYgynecology n. The study of, or the branch of medicine specializing in, the medical problems of women, especially disorders…
GYNECOLOGY n. the study of women's physiology, also GYNAECOLOGY.
HYPOGYNIESHYPOGYNY n. the condition of having flowers with organs below the ovary.
HYPONYMIEShyponymies n. Plural of hyponymy.
HYPONYMY n. the formation of hyponyms.
PENNYROYALpennyroyal n. Mentha pulegium, a plant of the mint family, formerly much used in various medicinal treatments and…
PENNYROYAL n. an aromatic herb of Europe; also, a North American plant resembling it in flavour.
POLYGYNIESpolygynies n. Plural of polygyny.
POLYGYNY n. the condition of having more than one wife at the same time.
POLYLYSINEpolylysine n. A polypeptide (or section of a protein) consisting only of lysine residues.
POLYLYSINE n. a protein whose polypeptide chain consists entirely of lysine residues.
PYCNOSTYLEpycnostyle adj. (Architecture) Having an intercolumniation of 1.5 times the diameter of the shaft of a column.
pycnostyle n. (Architecture) A colonnade of this kind.
PYCNOSTYLE adj. with close-set columns, one and a half diameters apart.
PYROTECHNYpyrotechny n. The manufacture and use of fireworks.
pyrotechny n. (Figuratively) Impressive, dazzling or virtuosic display.
pyrotechny n. The use of fire in chemistry and metallurgy.
PYROXYLINEpyroxyline n. Archaic form of pyroxylin.
PYROXYLINE n. any of the nitrocelluloses, also PYROXYLE, PYROXYLIN.
SYNECOLOGYsynecology n. (Ecology) One of two broad subdivisions of ecology (the other being autecology), meaning the study of…
SYNECOLOGY n. the study of ecological communities, also SYNOECOLOGY.
SYNONYMIESsynonymies n. Plural of synonymy.
SYNONYMY n. equivalence of meaning.
SYNONYMISEsynonymise v. Alternative form of synonymize.
SYNONYMISE v. to make synonymous, also SYNONYMIZE.
SYNONYMIZEsynonymize v. To express by a synonym or synonyms.
synonymize v. (Taxonomy) To identify two taxonomic terms as synonyms, thus equating two potentially disparate categories.
SYNONYMIZE v. to make synonymous, also SYNONYMISE.
YOUNGBERRYyoungberry n. A hybrid between a blackberry and a dewberry of the rose family, first cultivated in the western United States.
YOUNGBERRY n. a large reddish-black fruit, a cross between a blackberry and a dewberry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 122 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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