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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing E, I, J, L and S

BLUEJACKINGSbluejackings n. Plural of bluejacking.
BLUEJACKING n. the sending of unsolicited messages over Bluetooth to Bluetooth-enabled devices such as mobile phones.
DISJOINTEDLYdisjointedly adv. In a disjointed manner.
DISJOINTED adv. DISJOINT, to put out of order.
EJACULATIONSejaculations n. Plural of ejaculation.
EJACULATION n. an act of ejaculating.
JAILBREAKERSjailbreakers n. Plural of jailbreaker.
JAILBREAKER n. one who escapes from jail.
JETTISONABLEjettisonable adj. Capable of being jettisoned.
JETTISONABLE adj. capable of being jettisoned.
JOCULARITIESjocularities n. Plural of jocularity.
JOCULARITY n. jesting, merriment.
JOURNALISERSjournalisers n. Plural of journaliser.
JOURNALISER n. one who journalises, also JOURNALIZER.
JOURNALIZERSjournalizers n. Plural of journalizer.
JOURNALIZER n. one who journalizes, also JOURNALISER.
JOVIALNESSESJOVIALNESS n. noisy mirth, joviality.
JUVENILENESSjuvenileness n. Juvenility.
JUVENILENESS n. the state of being juvenile.
JUVENILITIESjuvenilities n. Plural of juvenility.
JUVENILITY n. youthfulness; adolescence.
MAJESTICALLYmajestically adv. In a majestic manner.
MAJESTICAL adv. having majesty, also MAJESTIC.
MALADJUSTIVEmaladjustive adj. Exhibiting or relating to maladjustment.
MALADJUSTIVE adj. not conducive to adjustment.
MOSBOLLETJIEmosbolletjie n. (South Africa) Dough leavened with the must of grapes used for making rusks.
mosbolletjie n. (South Africa) A biscuit made of mosbolletjie dough.
MOSBOLLETJIE n. (South African) a sweet bun made of dough leavened with grape must.
PERJURIOUSLYperjuriously adv. In a perjurious manner.
PERJURIOUS adv. guilty of perjury, also PERJUROUS.
RIJKSDAALERSRIJKSDAALER n. (Dutch) a small Dutch silver coin, also RIGSDALER.
SUBJECTIVELYsubjectively adv. In a subjective manner.
SUBJECTIVE adv. relating to the subject.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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