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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 15 six-letter words containing 2E, G, I and R

BEIGERbeiger adj. Comparative form of beige: more beige.
BEIGE adj. greyish buff with a hint of pink.
CIERGEcierge n. A wax candle used in religious rites.
CIERGE n. a large wax candle used in religious rites, also CERGE.
EDGIERedgier adj. Comparative form of edgy: more edgy.
EDGY adj. nervous.
EGGIEReggier adj. Comparative form of eggy: more eggy.
EGGY adj. containing eggs to some extent.
EMIGREemigre n. One who has departed their native land, often as a refugee.
emigre n. An emigrant, one who departs their native land to become an immigrant in another.
emigré n. Alternative form of emigre.
GREIGEgreige adj. (Of textiles) Unfinished; not fully processed; neither bleached nor dyed.
greige n. A colour between grey and beige, closely akin to taupe.
greige adj. Of a colour between grey and beige.
GRIEVEgrieve v. (Transitive) To cause sorrow or distress to.
grieve v. (Transitive) To feel very sad about; to mourn; to sorrow for.
grieve v. (Intransitive) To experience grief.
LEIGERleiger n. Obsolete form of ledger.
leiger n. Alternative form of lieger.
LEIGER n. (obsolete) an ambassador, also LEDGER, LEIDGER, LIDGER, LIEGER.
LIEGERlieger n. (Obsolete) A resident ambassador.
LIEGER n. (obsolete) an ambassador, also LEDGER, LEIDGER, LEIGER, LIDGER.
REGIESREGIE n. (French) a system of Government monopoly, esp. in tobacco.
REGIMEregime n. Mode of rule or management.
regime n. A form of government, or the government in power.
regime n. A period of rule.
REGIVEregive v. To give again that which has been received as a gift.
regive v. To give back; restore.
REGIVE v. to give again.
SIEGERsieger n. A besieger.
SIEGER n. one who besieges, also BESIEGER.
VEGIERVEGIE adj. (colloq.) of school subjects, trivial, not taxing, also VEGGIE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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