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There are 15 six-letter words containing 2E, I and 2R

AERIERaerier adj. Comparative form of aery: more aery.
AERY adj. airy.
EERIEReerier adj. Comparative form of eerie: more eerie.
EERY adj. uncanny, also EERIE.
ETRIERetrier n. Alternative form of étrier.
étrier n. (Climbing) A mountaineer’s stirrup.
ETRIER n. (French) a small rope ladder used by mountaineers.
MERRIEMerrie prop.n. A female given name, variant of Merry.
MERRIE adj. (archaic) merry.
REFIRErefire v. To fire again.
REFIRE v. to fire again.
REHIRErehire v. To hire again.
rehire n. A former employee who has been hired again.
re-hire v. Alternative spelling of rehire.
REITERreiter n. (Historical) A German cavalry soldier of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.
REITER v. to reiterate.
REIVERreiver n. Alternative form of reaver.
REIVER n. a raider, plunderer, also REAVER, RIEVER.
RELIERrelier n. One who relies.
RELIER n. (Shakespeare) one who relies.
RERISErerise v. To rise again.
RERISE v. to rise again.
RETIREretire v. (Intransitive) To stop working on a permanent basis, usually because of old age or illness.
retire v. (Transitive, sometimes reflexive) To withdraw; to take away.
retire v. (Transitive) To cease use or production of something.
REWIRErewire v. To replace or reconnect the wires of a device or installation.
rewire v. To change the functionality of something by altering the parameters or logic.
rewire n. The act of replacing the wires of something.
RIEVERriever n. Archaic form of reaver.
RIEVER n. a raider, plunderer, also REAVER, REIVER.
SIRREEsirree n. Alternative spelling of siree.
SIRREE n. (US) a mode of address, sir, also SIREE, SIRRA, SIRRAH.
VERIERverier adj. Comparative form of very: more very (complete, absolute).
VERY adj. absolute.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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