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There are 19 six-letter words containing E, F, O, R and T

EFFORTeffort n. The work involved in performing an activity; exertion.
effort n. An endeavor.
effort n. A force acting on a body in the direction of its motion.
FETORSfetors n. Plural of fetor.
FETOR n. (Latin) a stench, also FOETOR.
FLORETfloret n. A small flower, especially one of a cluster in a composite flower.
FLORET n. a small flower, esp. of a composite plant, also FLOWERET.
FOETORfoetor n. Alternative spelling of fœtor.
fœtor n. Nonstandard spelling of fetor.
FOETOR n. (Latin) a stench, also FETOR.
FOOTERfooter n. (Archaic) A footgoer; pedestrian.
footer n. (Computing) A line of information printed at the bottom of a page to identify the contents. (Compare…
footer n. (In combination) Something that measures a stated number of feet in some dimension.
FORESTforest n. A dense uncultivated tract of trees and undergrowth, larger than woods.
forest n. Any dense collection or amount.
forest n. (Historical) A defined area of land set aside in England as royal hunting ground or for other privileged…
FORGETforget v. (Transitive) To lose remembrance of.
forget v. (Transitive) To unintentionally not do, neglect.
forget v. (Transitive) To unintentionally leave something behind.
FORPETforpet n. (Dated, Scotland) A quarter (fourth part) used especially as a unit of mass or capacity.
FORPET n. (Scots) a measure of grain, also FORPIT.
FORTEDforted v. Simple past tense and past participle of fort.
forted adj. Ensconced in or protected by a fort.
FORT v. to fortify.
FORTESfortes n. Plural of forte.
fortes n. Plural of fortis.
Fortes prop.n. Plural of Forte.
FOSTERfoster adj. Providing parental care to children not related to oneself.
foster adj. Receiving such care.
foster adj. Related by such care.
FOTHERfother n. (Obsolete) A wagonload.
fother n. (Obsolete) A load of any sort.
fother n. (Historical) A load: various English units of weight or volume based upon standardized cartloads of…
FOUTERfouter n. (UK, dialect) A despicable fellow.
FOUTER v. (Scots) to mess around aimlessly, also FOOTRA, FOUTRA, FOUTRE.
FOUTREFOUTRE v. (Scots) to mess around aimlessly, also FOOTRA, FOUTER, FOUTRA.
LOFTERlofter n. (Golf) An obsolete golf club, the predecessor of the niblick.
LOFTER n. a type of golf club.
REFOOTrefoot v. (Transitive) To supply with a new foot.
REFOOT v. to replace the foot of.
SOFTERsofter adj. Comparative form of soft: more soft.
SOFT adj. not hard, also SAFT.
TOFOREtofore prep. (Obsolete) Before.
tofore adv. (Obsolete) Before, previously.
tofore conj. (Obsolete) Before.
TWOFERtwofer n. Something that yields a substantial additional benefit; something that figuratively kills two birds with one stone.
twofer n. The fashion of wearing long sleeves outside a short-sleeved shirt.
twofer n. A cabling device used in theatre, allowing two stage lighting instruments to be connected to one dimmer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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