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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing E, G, R, S and Y

GEYSERgeyser n. (Planetology, geology, volcanology) A boiling natural spring which throws forth jets of water, mud…
geyser n. (By extension) A momentary vertical jet or fountain of fluid driven upwards by a violent force.
geyser n. (Britain, archaic) An instantaneous, and often dangerous, hot water heater.
GREASYgreasy adj. Having a slippery surface; having a surface covered with grease.
greasy adj. Containing a lot of grease or fat.
greasy adj. (Slang) shady, sketchy, dodgy, detestable, unethical.
GRIESYGRIESY adj. (Spenser) grisly, also GRYSIE.
GRYCESGRYCE n. a young boar.
GRYDESgrydes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gryde.
GRYDE v. to scrape harshly, also GRIDE.
GRYKESgrykes n. Plural of gryke.
GRYKE n. (Old Norse) a crevice in a limestone pavement, also GRIKE.
GRYPESgrypes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of grype.
grypes n. Genitive of grype.
grypes n. Plural of grype.
GRYSIEgrysie adj. Obsolete form of grisy.
GRYSIE adj. (Spenser) grim, also GRISY, GRIESIE, GRIESY, GRYESY.
GYRASEgyrase n. (Biochemistry) An enzyme that supercoils DNA.
GYRASE n. an enzyme catalyst which acts on DNA.
GYROSEgyrose adj. (Botany) Turned round like a crook, or bent to and fro.
GYROSE adj. marked with wavy lines, also GYROUS.
YAGERSyagers n. Plural of yager.
Yagers prop.n. Plural of Yager.
YAGER n. (German) a huntsman, also JAEGER, JAGER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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