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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 17 six-letter words containing E, I, 2L and R

BILLERbiller n. (Business) An issuer of a bill.
biller n. One who bills (caresses in fondness), in the context of billing and cooing.
Biller prop.n. A surname.
FILLERfiller n. One who fills.
filler n. Something added to fill a space or add weight or size.
filler n. Any semisolid substance used to fill gaps, cracks or pores.
GILLERGiller prop.n. A surname.
GILLER n. one that gills, catches fish with a gillnet.
GRILLEgrille n. Alternative form of grill (only in the senses of "grating over opening", "grating on the front of a…
GRILLE n. a lattice, grating, screen or openwork of metal, also GRILL.
HILLERhiller n. (Appalachia, derogatory) A poor rural person.
Hiller prop.n. A surname.
HILLER n. something that hills.
KILLERkiller n. One who or that which kills.
killer n. (Figuratively) That which causes stress or is extremely difficult, especially that which may cause failure at a task.
killer n. (Figuratively) Something that is so far ahead of its competition that it effectively kills off that competition.
MILLERmiller n. A person who owns or operates a mill, especially a flour mill.
miller n. (Outdated) A milling machine.
miller n. Any of several moths that have powdery wings, especially Acronicta leporina and moths of the genus Agrotis.
REBILLrebill v. (Transitive) To bill again.
REBILL v. to bill again.
REFILLrefill n. A filling after the first.
refill n. An additional helping of food or drink.
refill n. (Medicine, pharmacy) A repeat of a prescription.
RELLIErellie n. (Informal) relative (someone in the same family).
RELLIE n. (Australian slang) a relative, also RELLO.
RILLEDrilled v. Simple past tense and past participle of rill.
RILL v. to flow like a small brook.
RILLESrilles n. Plural of rille.
RILLE n. a valley on the moon's surface.
RILLETrillet n. A little rill.
RILLET n. a small rill.
ROLLIErollie n. (Slang, chiefly UK) A cigarette rolled by hand.
Rollie prop.n. A male given name.
ROLLIE n. a hand-rolled cigarette.
SILLERSiller prop.n. A surname.
SILLER n. (Scots) silver.
TILLERtiller n. A person who tills; a farmer.
tiller n. A machine that mechanically tills the soil.
tiller n. (Obsolete) A young tree.
WILLERwiller n. One who wills; who causes by an act of will or willpower.
willer n. One who leaves an inheritance by writing a will.
Willer prop.n. A surname.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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