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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 9 six-letter words containing E, M, O, P and R

COMPERcomper n. A person who enters many competitions in order to win as many prizes as possible.
COMPER n. a person who enters competitions.
MOPERSmopers n. Plural of moper.
MOPER n. one who mopes.
MOPERYmopery n. (Law, US) An imaginary or trivial legal offense.
MOPERY n. violation of a trivial or imaginary law, for example, loitering, used to arrest someone when no other crime can be charged.
MOPIERmopier adj. Comparative form of mopey: more mopey.
MOPY adj. dejected, also MOPEY.
MOPPERmopper n. One who mops.
MOPPER n. one who mops.
PROEMSproems n. Plural of proem.
PROEM n. an introduction, a prelude, also PROOEMION, PROOEMIUM.
ROMPEDromped v. Simple past tense and past participle of romp.
ROMP v. to play boisterously.
ROMPERromper n. Someone who romps or frolics.
romper n. (Nautical) A ship that has moved far ahead of a convoy; see also straggler.
romper n. A onesie.
TROMPEtrompe n. (Obsolete) A trumpet; a trump.
trompe n. Alternative form of tromp (“blowing apparatus in a forge”).
TROMPE n. (French) an apparatus for producing a blast of air in a furnace by means of falling water.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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