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There are 20 seven-letter words containing 2E, O, R and U

AUREOLEaureole n. A circle of light or halo around the head of a deity or a saint.
aureole n. (By extension) Any luminous or colored ring that encircles something.
aureole n. (Astronomy) A corona.
BOURREEbourree n. Alternative spelling of bourrée.
bourrée n. A baroque dance of French origin, common in Auvergne and Biscay in Spain in the 17th century.
bourrée n. A piece of music in character with such a dance.
CEREOUScereous adj. (Obsolete) waxen; like wax.
CEREOUS adj. waxy.
COENUREcoenure n. The larva of Taenia coenurus, the canine tapeworm - causes staggers in sheep.
COENURE n. a tapeworm larva, also COENURUS.
EUPHROEeuphroe n. (Nautical) A long wooden slat, with holes for cords, that holds up an awning.
EUPHROE n. (Dutch) the wooden block through which the lines of a crowfoot are rove, also UPHROE.
GOUGEREgougère n. In French cuisine, a savoury choux pastry made with cheese, usually Gruyère.
GOUGERE n. (French) a kind of choux pastry, the dough of which has been mixed with grated cheese prior to baking.
HOUHEREHOUHERE n. (Maori) a small evergreen New Zealand tree.
NEURONEneurone n. (Chiefly Britain) Alternative spelling of neuron.
NEURONE n. the basic cellular unit of the nervous system, also NEURON.
OEUVRESoeuvres n. Plural of oeuvre.
œuvres n. Plural of œuvre.
OEUVRE n. (French) the sum of an artist's life work.
OUTPEERoutpeer v. (Transitive) To excel or surpass.
OUTPEER v. (Shakespeare) to surpass, excel.
OUVERTEOUVERTE adj. (French) open, also OUVERT.
OVERDUEoverdue adj. Late; especially, past a deadline or too late to fulfill a need.
OVERDUE adj. due and more than due.
OVERUSEoveruse v. (Transitive) To use too much of.
overuse n. Excessive use.
OVERUSE v. to use too much.
RECOUPErecoupe v. Archaic form of recoup.
recoupé adj. (Heraldry) subdivided.
RECOUPE n. the act of keeping back or withholding something which is legally due to someone.
RECOURERECOURE v. (Spenser) to recover, also RECOWER.
REHOUSErehouse v. (Transitive) To give a new house to; to relocate someone to a new house.
rehouse v. (Transitive) To store in a new location.
REHOUSE v. to establish in a new housing unit.
REQUOTErequote v. (Transitive) To quote again or anew.
REQUOTE v. to quote again.
REROUTEreroute v. To change the route taken by something.
reroute n. The use of a different route from one planned or used before.
REROUTE v. to choose a different route.
URODELEurodele n. (Zoology) Any caudate amphibian.
URODELE n. one of the Urodela, tailless amphibians, including newts and salamanders.
UROMEREuromere n. (Zoology) Any of the abdominal segments of an arthropod.
UROMERE n. any one of the abdominal segments of an arthropod.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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