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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 4 seven-letter words containing E, 2F, L and N

OFFLINEoffline adj. Of a system, currently not connected (generally electrically) to a larger network. For example, a power…
offline adj. (By extension) Happening in the physical world (the real world) as opposed to on the internet.
offline adv. While offline; with an offline system.
SNAFFLEsnaffle n. A broad-mouthed, loose-ringed bit (metal in a horse’s mouth). It brings pressure to bear on the tongue…
snaffle n. (Figuratively) Decorative wear that looks like a snaffle.
snaffle v. (Transitive) To put a snaffle on, or control with a snaffle.
SNIFFLEsniffle v. (Intransitive) To make a whimpering or sniffing sound when breathing, because of a runny nose.
sniffle v. (Transitive) To utter with a whimpering or sniffing sound.
sniffle n. The act, or the sound of sniffling; the condition of having a runny or wet nose, as from a cold or allergies.
SNUFFLEsnuffle v. (Intransitive) To sniff or smell with the nose loudly and audibly.
snuffle v. (Intransitive) To speak through the nose; to breathe through the nose when it is obstructed, so as to…
snuffle n. An act of snuffling; sniffing loudly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org.

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