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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 17 seven-letter words containing E, H, N and 2O

COEHORNcoehorn n. (Military, historical) A small bronze mortar mounted on a wooden block with handles, and light enough…
COEHORN n. (Dutch) a small mortar for throwing grenades, also COHORN.
HENCOOPhencoop n. A coop where hens are kept..
HENCOOP n. an enclosure in which hens are kept.
HEROONSheroons n. Plural of heroon.
HEROON n. (Greek) a temple to a hero; a temple-shaped tomb.
HOEDOWNhoedown n. A type of American folk or square dance.
hoedown n. The type of music typically played for such a dance.
hoedown n. A gathering at which such dances take place.
HOGNOSEhognose adj. Having an upturned snout like a pig’s.
hognose n. A hognose snake.
HOGNOSE n. a type of snake with an upturned snout.
HONOREDhonored adj. US standard spelling of honoured.
honored v. (American spelling) simple past tense and past participle of honor.
HONOR v. to treat with respect, also HONOUR.
HONOREEhonoree n. One who receives an honor or award.
HONOREE n. a person receiving an honor, also HONORAND.
HONORERhonorer n. One who honors.
HONORER n. one who honors, also HONOURER.
HOODMENhoodmen n. Plural of hoodman.
HOODMAN n. the person blindfolded in the game called hoodman-blind.
HORMONEhormone n. (Physiology) Any substance produced by one tissue and conveyed by the bloodstream to another to effect…
hormone n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic compound with the same activity.
hormone n. (Botany) Any similar substance in plants.
MOORHENmoorhen n. Any of various medium-sized water birds of the genus Gallinula, of the rail family, that feed in open water margins.
moorhen n. (Britain) A female red grouse, Lagopus lagopus scotica.
MOORHEN n. a water bird, aka waterhen.
NONHEROnonhero n. A character, especially a protagonist, who is not a hero.
NONHERO n. one who is not a hero.
NONHOMEnonhome adj. Not of or pertaining to a home (domestic residence).
NONHOME adj. not taking place in the home.
ONSHOREonshore adj. Moving from the sea towards the land.
onshore adj. Positioned on or near the shore.
onshore adj. Within the country; not overseas.
SOREHONsorehon n. (Historical) A kind of servile tenure in Ireland which required the tenant to maintain his chieftain…
SOREHON n. (Irish) an ancient Irish exaction of free accommodation by a lord of a tenant.
THEOCONtheocon n. (US) theoconservative.
THEOCON n. a conservative who believes that religion should play a major role in forming and implementing public policy.
WOODHENwoodhen n. Any of the species Hypotaenidia sylvestris (syns. Gallirallus sylvestris, Tricholimnas sylvestris, Ocydromus…
WOODHEN n. the flightless rail of New Zealand, aka weka.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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