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There are 17 seven-letter words containing E, I, N, T and X

ANTEFIXantefix n. (Architecture) The vertical blocks which terminate the covering tiles of the roof of a Roman, Etruscan…
antefix n. (Architecture) Any decoration serving to cover the ends of roofing tiles.
ANTEFIX n. an ornament at the end of a classical building, hiding the ends of roof tiles, also ANTEFIXA.
ANTISEXantisex adj. Opposed to sexual activity.
ANTISEX adj. opposed to sexual activity.
ANXIETYanxiety n. An unpleasant state of mental uneasiness, nervousness, apprehension and obsession or concern about some…
anxiety n. An uneasy or distressing desire (for something).
anxiety n. (Pathology) A state of restlessness and agitation, often accompanied by a distressing sense of oppression…
AXINITEaxinite n. (Mineralogy) A borosilicate of aluminum, iron, and lime, commonly found in glassy, brown crystals with acute edges.
AXINITE n. a silicate of the epidote group.
DEXTRINdextrin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a range of oligomers of glucose, intermediate in complexity between maltose and…
DEXTRIN n. a substance used as an adhesive, also DEXTRINE.
EXCITONexciton n. (Physics) A bound state of an electron and an electron hole in an insulator or semiconductor.
EXCITON n. a combination of excited electron and hole.
EXIGENTexigent adj. Urgent; pressing; needing immediate action.
exigent adj. Demanding; requiring great effort.
exigent n. (Archaic) Extremity; end; limit; pressing urgency.
EXITINGexiting v. Present participle of exit.
exiting v. Misspelling of exciting.
exiting n. The act of one who exits; a departure.
EXTINCTextinct adj. (Dated) Extinguished, no longer alight (Of fire, candles etc.).
extinct adj. No longer used; obsolete, discontinued.
extinct adj. (Of a group of organisms, as a species) No longer in existence; having died out.
EXTINESextines n. Plural of extine.
EXTINE n. the outer layer of some spores, also EXINE.
INEXACTinexact adj. Imperfectly conforming; exceeding or falling short in some respect.
inexact adj. Imprecisely or indefinitely conceived or stated.
inexact adj. (Physics, of a differential) having a path-dependent integral.
SEXTAINsextain n. (Poetry) A stanza of six lines; a sestine.
SEXTAIN n. a stanza of six lines, also SESTINA, SESTINE.
SEXTINGsexting n. The act of transmitting and/or receiving sexually suggestive text messages and/or photographs between…
sexting v. Present participle of sext.
SEXTING n. the act of sending text messages of a sexual nature.
SIXTEENsixteen num. The cardinal number occurring after fifteen and before seventeen, represented in Arabic numerals as…
SIXTEEN n. a number.
TAXIMENtaximen n. Plural of taximan.
TAXIMAN n. the driver of a taxicab.
TEXTINGtexting v. Present participle of text.
texting n. The use of a mobile phone to send text messages.
texting n. The words set to a piece of music.
TOXINEStoxines n. Plural of toxine.
TOXINE n. a poisonous product formed by pathogenic bacteria, as a toxic proteid or poisonous ptomaine, also TOXIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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