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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing E, 2L, M and R

MERELLSMERELL n. a counter used in a game of merils, also MEREL, MERIL.
MILLERSmillers n. Plural of miller.
Millers prop.n. Plural of Miller.
MILLER n. a person who owns or works a mill.
MILLIERmillier n. (Archaic, rare) Synonym of metric ton, 1000 kg.
MILLIER n. a unit of weight.
MORELLEmorelle n. Nightshade.
MORELLE n. a flowering plant, aka nightshade.
MORELLOmorello n. A variety of cultivated cherry, Prunus cerasus ’austera’, having a dark skin.
Morello prop.n. A surname.
MORELLO n. (Italian) a dark red cherry, much used in cooking.
MORRELLMorrell prop.n. A surname.
MORRELL n. (Native Australian) a tall eucalyptus of SW Australia.
MULLERSmullers n. Plural of muller.
Müllers prop.n. Plural of Müller.
MULLER v. to inflict a severe defeat on, also MULLAH.
SMALLERsmaller adj. Comparative form of small: more small.
smaller adv. Comparative form of small: more small.
SMALL adj. not large.
SMELLERsmeller n. Someone or something that smells, that detects scent.
smeller n. (Informal) the nose.
smeller n. (Informal) an accident; cropper.
TRAMELLtramell n. Alternative form of tramel.
Tramell prop.n. A surname.
TRAMELL v. to hinder, also TRAMEL, TRAMMEL.
VERMELLVERMELL n. (Spenser) vermilion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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