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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing E, L, N, O and Z

BENZOLEbenzole n. (Organic chemistry) Obsolete spelling of benzol.
BENZOLE n. crude benzene, used as a motor-spirit, also BENZOL.
BENZOLSbenzols n. Plural of benzol.
BENZOL n. a crude form of benzene, also BENZOLE.
BENZOYLbenzoyl n. (Organic chemistry, especially in combination) A univalent radical formally derived from benzoic acid…
BENZOYL n. a compound radical, the base of benzoic acid.
CALZONEcalzone n. A baked Italian turnover made of pizza dough and stuffed with tomato, cheese and other toppings.
CALZONE n. (Italian) a turnover with a savory filling.
DONZELSdonzels n. Plural of donzel.
DONZEL n. (obsolete) a squire, aspirant to knighthood.
LIONIZElionize v. (Transitive) To treat (a person) as if they were important, or a celebrity.
lionize v. (Transitive) To visit (a famous place) in order to revere it.
LIONIZE v. to treat as a celebrity, also LIONISE.
LOZENGElozenge n. (Shapes, heraldry) A quadrilateral with sides of equal length (rhombus), having two acute and two obtuse angles.
lozenge n. A small tablet (originally diamond-shaped) or medicated sweet used to ease a sore throat.
lozenge v. (Transitive) To form into the shape of a lozenge.
LOZENGYlozengy adj. (Heraldry) Divided into lozenge-shaped compartments, as the field or a bearing, by lines drawn in the…
LOZENGY adj. with lozenges.
NOZZLESnozzles n. Plural of nozzle.
NOZZLE n. a projecting spout.
SNOOZLEsnoozle v. (Britain, rare) To nuzzle affectionately.
SNOOZLE v. (colloquial) to nuzzle and then sleep.
ZONULAEzonulae n. Plural of zonula.
ZONULA n. (Latin) a small zone, also ZONULE, ZONULET.
ZONULESzonules n. Plural of zonule.
ZONULE n. a small zone, also ZONULA, ZONULET.
ZONULETzonulet n. A zonule.
ZONULET n. a small belt or girdle, also ZONULA, ZONULE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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