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There are 14 seven-letter words containing E, M, 2P and R

MAPPERSmappers n. Plural of mapper.
MAPPER n. one who maps, a mapmaker.
MAPPERYmappery n. (Archaic, rare) cartography.
MAPPERY n. (Shakespeare) the making, or study, of maps.
MOPPERSmoppers n. Plural of mopper.
MOPPER n. one who mops.
MOPPIERmoppier adj. Comparative form of moppy: more moppy.
MOPPY adj. (obsolete) drunk.
PAMPEROpampero n. A violent wind from the west or southwest, which sweeps over the pampas of South America and the adjacent…
Pampero n. A member of a Native American tribe inhabiting the pampas of South America.
PAMPERO n. (Spanish) a violent SW wind on and from the pampas.
PAMPERSpampers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pamper.
pampers n. (Informal) A diaper or nappy (absorbent garment worn by a baby, or by someone who is incontinent).
Pampers n. (Singapore) disposable diaper.
PLUMPERplumper adj. Comparative form of plump: more plump.
plumper n. One who plumps or swells out something else.
plumper n. That which plumps or swells out something else.
POMPIERpompier n. A pompier hook.
POMPIER n. (French) a conventional or imitative artist.
PREAMPSpreamps n. Plural of preamp.
pre-amps n. Plural of pre-amp.
PREAMP n. (short for) preamplifier.
PREEMPTpreempt v. (Transitive) To appropriate first.
preempt v. (Transitive) To displace or take the place of (by having higher precedence, etc).
preempt v. (Transitive) To prevent or beat to the punch, to forestall an expected occurrence by acting first.
PRIMPEDprimped v. Simple past tense and past participle of primp.
PRIMP v. to dress or adorn carefully.
PROPMENpropmen n. Plural of propman.
PROPMAN n. a man in charge of stage properties.
PUMPERSpumpers n. Plural of pumper.
PUMPER n. one who pumps.
REPUMPSrepumps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of repump.
REPUMP v. to pump again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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