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There are 14 eight-letter words containing 2E, M, T and X

EXAMETREexametre n. 1018 metres.
EXAMETRE n. ten to the power of eighteen metres.
EXANTHEMexanthem n. A widespread rash usually occurring in children.
EXANTHEM n. a skin eruption, esp. accompanied by fever, also EXANTHEMA.
EXEMPTEDexempted v. Simple past tense and past participle of exempt.
EXEMPT v. to free from liability.
EXHUMATEexhumate v. (Obsolete) To exhume; to disinter.
EXHUMATE v. to dig out from the earth, also EXHUME.
EXTREMALextremal adj. (Mathematics) Relating to extrema (maximal or minimal).
extremal n. (Mathematics) Any solution to a variety of equations in the calculus of variations.
EXTREMAL n. a clause which limits recursion.
EXTREMERextremer adj. Comparative form of extreme: more extreme.
EXTREME adj. farthest from centre.
EXTREMESextremes n. Plural of extreme.
EXTREME n. the highest degree.
EXTREMUMextremum n. (Mathematics) A point, or value, which is a maximum or a minimum.
EXTREMUM n. (Latin) a maximum or minimum of a mathematical function.
FLEXTIMEflextime n. Alternative spelling of flexitime.
FLEXTIME n. a system that allows flexible working hours, also FLEXITIME.
KETOXIMEketoxime n. (Organic chemistry) Any oxime derived from an ketone; general formula R2C=NOH.
KETOXIME n. an oxime product of a ketone reacting with hydroxylamine.
LUXMETERluxmeter n. (Photography) A light meter.
LUXMETER n. an instrument for measuring illumination.
MEATAXESmeataxes n. Plural of meataxe.
meat␣axes n. Plural of meat axe.
MEATAXE n. a meat cleaver.
OXIMETERoximeter n. (Chemistry) A device that measures the quantity of oxygen in something, particularly air in the atmosphere.
oximeter n. (Medicine, specifically) A device that measures the oxygen saturation of arterial blood.
OXIMETER n. a photoelectric instrument for measuring the oxygen saturation of the blood.
XENOTIMExenotime n. (Mineralogy) A yellow-brown mineral, yttrium phosphate (YPO4).
XENOTIME n. (Greek) a phosphate of yttrium occurring in yellowish-brown tetragonal crystals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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