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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing E, 2F and 2L

FALAFELSfalafels n. Plural of falafel.
FALAFEL n. (Arabic) a fried patty of ground vegetables, also FELAFEL.
FARFALLEfarfalle n. Pasta in the shape of butterflies or bow ties.
FARFALLE n. (Italian) pasta in the shape of bow ties or butterflies.
FELAFELSfelafels n. Plural of felafel.
FELAFEL n. (Arabic) a fried patty of ground vegetables, also FALAFEL.
FOLKLIFEfolklife n. Folklore; those cultural traditions passed down orally or informally.
FOLKLIFE n. the traditions and activities of a certain population.
FREEFALLfreefall n. (Physics) The state of being in a motion affected by no acceleration (force) other than that provided by gravity.
freefall n. (Common usage) The state of falling with no interference from outside forces other than the air resistance…
freefall n. (By extension) The state of worsening out of control.
FULLFACEfull-face adj. Alternative form of full-faced.
FULLFACE n. a portrait or photograph where the subject faces straight towards the viewer.
HALFLIFEhalflife n. Alternative spelling of half-life.
half-life n. (Physics) The time required for half the nuclei in a sample of a specific isotope to undergo radioactive decay.
half-life n. (Chemistry) In a chemical reaction, the time required for the concentration of a reactant to fall from…
SELLOFFSselloffs n. Plural of selloff.
sell-offs n. Plural of sell-off.
SELLOFF n. the sale of a large number of stocks, bonds, or commodities.
SHELFFULshelfful n. Enough to fill a shelf.
SHELFFUL n. as much as a shelf can hold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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