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There are 20 eight-letter words containing E, M, 2P and R

EMPURPLEempurple v. To make purple.
empurple v. To enrage or anger, referring to making the face purple or red with blood.
empurple v. Of writing, to make overly flowery or showy; to embellish unduly.
EPISPERMepisperm n. (Botany) The outer, protective layer of the seed of a flowering plant.
EPISPERM n. the skin or coat of a seed, esp. the outer coat.
IMPROPERimproper adj. Unsuitable to needs or circumstances; inappropriate; inapt.
improper adj. Not in keeping with conventional mores or good manners; indecent or immodest.
improper adj. Not according to facts; inaccurate or erroneous.
IMPURPLEimpurple v. Alternative form of empurple.
IMPURPLE v. to dye purple, also EMPURPLE.
JUMPROPEjump␣rope n. (Uncountable) (also jump-roping, jumping rope) The activity, game or exercise in which a person must…
jump␣rope n. The length of rope, sometimes with handles, casing or other additions, used in that activity.
jump␣rope n. (Colloquial) A single jump in this game or activity, counted as a measure of achievement.
OVERPUMPoverpump v. To pump excessively.
OVERPUMP v. to pump to excess.
PAMPEREDpampered v. Simple past tense and past participle of pamper.
PAMPER v. to treat with excessive indulgence.
PAMPERERpamperer n. Agent noun of pamper; one who pampers.
PAMPERER n. one who pampers.
PAMPEROSpamperos n. Plural of pampero.
Pamperos n. Plural of Pampero.
PAMPERO n. (Spanish) a violent SW wind on and from the pampas.
PAMPHREYPAMPHREY n. (Irish) a cabbage.
PIMPLIERpimplier adj. Comparative form of pimply: more pimply.
PIMPLY adj. covered with pimples.
PLUMPERSplumpers n. Plural of plumper.
PLUMPER n. a pad kept in the mouth to round the cheeks, used by actors.
PLUMPIERplumpier adj. Comparative form of plumpy: more plumpy.
PLUMPY adj. (Shakespeare) somewhat plump, also PLUMPIE.
POMPIERSpompiers n. Plural of pompier.
POMPIER n. (French) a conventional or imitative artist.
PREEMPTSpreempts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preempt.
preempts n. Plural of preempt.
preëmpts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preëmpt.
PRESTAMPprestamp v. (Transitive) To stamp in advance.
PRESTAMP v. to stamp beforehand.
PROMPTEDprompted v. Simple past tense and past participle of prompt.
PROMPT v. to move to action.
PROMPTERprompter adj. Comparative form of prompt: more prompt.
prompter n. (Theater) The person who does the prompting.
PROMPTER n. one that prompts.
REMAPPEDremapped v. Simple past tense and past participle of remap.
REMAP v. to map again.
REPUMPEDrepumped v. Simple past tense and past participle of repump.
REPUMP v. to pump again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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