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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing 2E, F, H and U

BEHOVEFULbehoveful adj. (Archaic) Needful or proper; beneficial; behoving.
BEHOVEFUL adj. (archaic) right, necessary.
CHEEKFULScheekfuls n. Plural of cheekful.
CHEEKFUL n. as much as a cheek can hold.
FIREHOUSEfirehouse n. (Dialectal) A house containing a fire to heat it; a dwelling-house, as opposed to a barn, a stable, or other outhouse.
firehouse n. (US, firefighting) A fire station.
fire␣house n. (US, firefighting) Fire station.
FOURCHEESFOURCHEE n. a kind of heraldic cross having the end of each arm forked.
FURTHEREDfurthered v. Simple past tense and past participle of further.
FURTHER v. to help forward.
FURTHERERfurtherer n. One who furthers something, or helps in achieving an aim.
FURTHERER n. one who furthers.
HEEDFULLYheedfully adv. In a heedful manner.
HEEDFUL adv. paying close attention.
HOUSEWIFEhousewife n. (Plural "housewives") A woman whose main employment is homemaking, maintaining the upkeep of her home…
housewife n. (Plural "housewives") The wife of a householder; the mistress of a family; the female head of a household.
housewife n. (Plural "housewifes") A little case or bag for materials used in sewing, and for other articles of female work.
MOUTHFEELmouthfeel n. The texture of food, drink, etc. as perceived by the mouth.
MOUTHFEEL n. the sensory perception of a particular food while chewing.
QUEENFISHqueenfish n. Seriphus politus, a North American croaker with elongated body and large mouth.
queenfish n. Any fish in the genus Scomberoides.
QUEENFISH n. a Californian blue-and-silver fish, aka DRUMFISH.
RECHAUFFErechauffe n. Alternative spelling of réchauffé.
réchauffé n. A dish of food that has been reheated.
réchauffé n. (Figurative) Something made up from old material; a rehash.
RESHUFFLEreshuffle v. To shuffle something again, especially playing cards.
reshuffle v. To reorganize or rearrange something, especially government posts.
reshuffle n. An instance of reshuffling, a reorganization.
SPEECHFULspeechful adj. Voluble; loquacious.
speechful n. The entire contents of a speech.
SPEECHFUL adj. full of speech or words; loquacious.
UNFLESHEDunfleshed adj. Having no flesh.
unfleshed adj. (Of a weapon) Not accustomed to flesh; not having been used in combat.
UNFLESH v. to remove the flesh from.
UNFLESHESunfleshes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unflesh.
UNFLESH v. to remove the flesh from.
UNHEEDFULunheedful adj. Not paying attention.
UNHEEDFUL adj. not heedful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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