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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2E, G, H and U

AHUNGEREDahungered adj. Pinched with hunger; very hungry.
AHUNGERED adj. (archaic) oppressed with hunger, also AHUNGRY, ANHUNGERED, ANHUNGRED.
ENGULPHEDengulphed v. Simple past tense and past participle of engulph.
ENGULPH v. to swallow up completely, also ENGULF, INGULF, INGULPH.
ENHUNGERSenhungers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enhunger.
ENHUNGER v. to make hungry.
ENROUGHEDENROUGH v. (archaic) to make rough.
GATEHOUSEgatehouse n. A lodge besides the entrance to an estate; often the residence of a gatekeeper; also a dwelling formerly…
gatehouse n. (Archaic) A fortified room over the entrance to a castle or over the gate in a city wall.
gatehouse n. A shelter for a gatekeeper.
GAUCHERIEgaucherie n. (Countable) A socially tactless or awkward act.
gaucherie n. (Uncountable) Lack of tact; tactlessness; awkwardness.
GAUCHERIE n. (French) an awkward or socially unacceptable remark.
HEGUMENEShegumenes n. Plural of hegumene.
HEGUMENE n. the head of a nunnery.
HEGUMENOIhegumenoi n. Plural of hegumenos.
HEGUMENOS n. (Greek) the head of a monastery, also HEGUMEN.
HEGUMENOShegumenos n. Alternative form of hegumen (“head of a monastery”).
HEGUMENOS n. (Greek) the head of a monastery, also HEGUMEN.
HEMAGOGUEHEMAGOGUE n. a drug that promotes the flow of blood, also HAEMAGOGUE, HEMAGOG.
ROUGHENEDroughened v. Simple past tense and past participle of roughen.
ROUGHEN v. to make rough.
THEOLOGUEtheologue n. A student of theology.
theologue n. A theologian.
THEOLOGUE n. a theologian, also THEOLOG.
THEURGIEStheurgies n. Plural of theurgy.
THEURGY n. magic or miracles by the agency of good spirits.
TOUGHENEDtoughened v. Simple past tense and past participle of toughen.
TOUGHEN v. to make tough.
TOUGHENERtoughener n. Something used to toughen.
TOUGHENER n. something that toughens.
UNHEEDINGunheeding adj. Showing disregard.
UNHEEDING adj. not heeding.
UNWEIGHEDunweighed adj. Not weighed.
unweighed adj. Not deliberately considered or pondered; hasty.
UNWEIGHED adj. not weighed; not pondered or considered; as, an unweighed statement.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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