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There are 16 words containing 2E, U and 2Z

BEMUZZLEBEMUZZLE v. to put a gag on.
BEMUZZLEDBEMUZZLE v. to put a gag on.
BEMUZZLESBEMUZZLE v. to put a gag on.
FUZZINESSESfuzzinesses n. Plural of fuzziness.
FUZZINESS n. the state of being fuzzy.
MUZZINESSESMUZZINESS n. the state of being muzzy.
MUZZLELOADERmuzzleloader n. A variety of firearm in which the weapon is loaded from the end that discharges the projectile (the muzzle).
muzzle-loader n. Alternative spelling of muzzleloader.
MUZZLELOADERSmuzzleloaders n. Plural of muzzleloader.
muzzle-loaders n. Plural of muzzle-loader.
NEBUCHADNEZZARNebuchadnezzar prop.n. A ruler of Babylon in the Chaldean Dynasty who reigned c. 605 B.C.E. – 562 B.C.E.. According to the…
Nebuchadnezzar n. A very large wine bottle (named after the King) with the capacity of about 15 liters, equivalent to…
NEBUCHADNEZZAR n. an oversize wine bottle holding about 3.50 gallons.
NEBUCHADNEZZARSNebuchadnezzars n. Plural of Nebuchadnezzar.
NEBUCHADNEZZAR n. an oversize wine bottle holding about 3.50 gallons.
PUZZLEHEADEDpuzzleheaded adj. Having the head full of confused notions.
PUZZLEHEADED adj. having or based on confused attitudes or ideas.
PUZZLEMENTpuzzlement n. The confusing state of being puzzled; bewilderment.
puzzlement n. A puzzle.
PUZZLEMENT n. the state of being puzzled.
PUZZLEMENTSpuzzlements n. Plural of puzzlement.
PUZZLEMENT n. the state of being puzzled.
QUIZZERIESquizzeries n. Plural of quizzery.
QUIZZERY n. the act of interrogation.
SCUZZINESSESSorry, definition not available.
ZINZIBERACEOUSzinziberaceous adj. Belonging to or resembling the ginger family, the Zingiberaceae.
ZINZIBERACEOUS adj. belonging to the zingiber family, also ZINGIBERACEOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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