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There are 10 words containing E, S, 2U and W

CURLIEWURLIESCURLIEWURLIE n. (Scots) a twisted or curled pattern.
MUGWUMPERIESMUGWUMPERY n. the acts and views of a mugwump, a bolter from the Republican party in 1884; a political independent.
RUPTUREWORTSruptureworts n. Plural of rupturewort.
RUPTUREWORT n. a caryophyllaceous plant once thought to cure hernia.
SQUAWBUSHESsquawbushes n. Plural of squawbush.
SQUAWBUSH n. an American shrub.
SUPERPOWERFULsuperpowerful adj. Very powerful; having, or capable of exerting great power, potency, or influence.
SUPERPOWERFUL adj. very powerful.
UNLAWFULNESSunlawfulness n. (Uncountable) The state of being unlawful.
unlawfulness n. (Countable) An unlawful act.
UNLAWFULNESS n. the state of being unlawful.
UNLAWFULNESSESunlawfulnesses n. Plural of unlawfulness.
UNLAWFULNESS n. the state of being unlawful.
UNWATCHFULNESSunwatchfulness n. The quality of being unwatchful.
UNWATCHFULNESS n. the state of being unwatchful.
WELTANSCHAUUNGweltanschauung n. A person’s or a group’s conception, philosophy or view of the world; a worldview.
WELTANSCHAUUNG n. (German) a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world, esp. from a specific standpoint.
WELTANSCHAUUNGSweltanschauungs n. Plural of weltanschauung.
WELTANSCHAUUNG n. (German) a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world, esp. from a specific standpoint.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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