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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2E, M, P, T and V

COMPLETIVEcompletive adj. Making complete.
completive n. (Grammar) A construction denoting completion.
COMPLETIVE adj. making complete, also COMPLETORY.
IMPEDITIVEimpeditive adj. (Archaic) Causing hindrance; impeding.
IMPEDITIVE adj. causing hindrance; impeding.
IMPERATIVEimperative adj. Essential; crucial; extremely important.
imperative adj. (Grammar) Of, or relating to the imperative mood.
imperative adj. (Computing theory) Having semantics that incorporates mutable variables.
PAVEMENTEDpavemented adj. Furnished with a pavement.
pavemented adj. (Pathology) Having undergone the process of pavementing.
PAVEMENT v. to provide with a pavement.
PELVIMETERpelvimeter n. An instrument for measuring the pelvis.
PELVIMETER n. an instrument for measuring the pelvis.
PELVIMETRYpelvimetry n. The assessment of the female pelvis in relation to the birth of a baby.
PELVIMETRY n. measurement of the pelvis.
PERMEATIVEpermeative adj. Tending to permeate.
PERMEATIVE adj. that permeates.
PREEMPTIVEpreemptive adj. Of or relating to preemption.
preemptive adj. Made so as to deter an anticipated unpleasant situation.
preemptive adj. (Bridge, of a high-level bid) Intended to interfere with an opponent’s bidding.
REDEMPTIVEredemptive adj. Causing, or relating to, redemption or saving; redeeming.
REDEMPTIVE adj. serving to redeem.
RESUMPTIVEresumptive adj. That is in the nature of resumption.
resumptive n. (Grammar) A resumptive pronoun.
resumptive n. (Archaic) A restorative medicine.
SEPTEMVIRIseptemviri n. Plural of septemvir.
SEPTEMVIR n. (Latin) one of a board of seven men associated in some office.
SEPTEMVIRSseptemvirs n. Plural of septemvir.
SEPTEMVIR n. (Latin) one of a board of seven men associated in some office.
TEMPESTIVEtempestive adj. (Obsolete) seasonable; timely.
TEMPESTIVE adj. timely; seasonable.
VERKRAMPTEverkrampte n. (South Africa) A person with a verkramp political attitude.
VERKRAMPTE n. (South African) one who is narrow-minded and illiberal esp. towards black and coloured people.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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