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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing E, H, 2I, R and V

CHIVALRIESchivalries n. Plural of chivalry.
CHIVALRY n. knightly behaviour, bravery and courtesy.
DISSHIVERSDISSHIVER v. (Spenser) to shiver or break in pieces.
IMPOVERISHimpoverish v. (Transitive) To make poor.
impoverish v. (Transitive) To weaken in quality; to deprive of some strength or richness.
impoverish v. (Intransitive) To become poor.
INVEIGHERSinveighers n. Plural of inveigher.
INVEIGHER n. one who inveighs.
LIVERISHLYliverishly adv. In a liverish manner.
LIVERISH adv. having a liver disorder.
SHIVERIESTshiveriest adj. Superlative form of shivery: most shivery.
SHIVERY adj. shivering.
SHIVERINGSshiverings n. Plural of shivering.
SHIVERING n. the act of shivering.
SHRIVELINGshriveling v. Present participle of shrivel.
shriveling n. The act or process by which something shrivels.
SHRIVEL v. to contract into wrinkles.
SILVERFISHsilverfish n. Certain insects.
silverfish n. Certain fish.
SILVERFISH n. any of various silver-coloured fishes, esp. the tarpon.
THIEVERIESthieveries n. Plural of thievery.
THIEVERY n. the act of stealing.
VARNISHIERVARNISHY adj. like varnish.
VIEWERSHIPviewership n. Collectively, the viewers of a television program or other video broadcast.
VIEWERSHIP n. a programme's viewers taken collectively.
VIGORISHESvigorishes n. Plural of vigorish.
VIGORISH n. (Yiddish) the percentage of a gambler's winnings taken by the bookie.
VINEGARISHvinegarish adj. Tasting somewhat like vinegar.
vinegarish adj. (Figuratively) acerbic, bitter.
VINEGARISH adj. like vinegar.
VIPERISHLYviperishly adv. In a viperish manner.
VIPERISH adv. like a viper.
VIZIERSHIPviziership n. The rank or position of vizier.
VIZIERSHIP n. the office of vizier.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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