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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing E, I, M, 2N and Z

ANONYMIZEDanonymized v. Simple past tense and past participle of anonymize.
anonymized adj. (Of data, claims or statements) Having had identifying information stripped, such that it cannot be…
ANONYMIZE v. to make anonymous, also ANONYMISE.
ANONYMIZERanonymizer n. (Internet) A software tool that attempts to make a user’s Internet activity untraceable by acting as a proxy.
ANONYMIZESanonymizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of anonymize.
ANONYMIZE v. to make anonymous, also ANONYMISE.
DEMONIZINGdemonizing v. Present participle of demonize.
DEMONIZE v. to make a demon of, also DEMONISE.
DIZENMENTSDIZENMENT n. the state of being dizened.
FEMINIZINGfeminizing v. Present participle of feminize.
feminizing adj. Tending to make more feminine.
FEMINIZE v. to make womanly, also FEMINISE.
INFAMONIZEINFAMONIZE v. to defame, to brand with infamy, also INFAMONISE.
MELANIZINGmelanizing v. Present participle of melanize.
melanizing adj. That causes melanization.
MELANIZE v. to make dark, also MELANISE.
MEZZANINESmezzanines n. Plural of mezzanine.
mezzanines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mezzanine.
MEZZANINE n. a low storey between two main storeys of a building, generally between the ground floor and the first floor.
MONETIZINGmonetizing v. Present participle of monetize.
MONETIZE v. to coin into money, also MONETISE.
MONOTONIZEmonotonize v. (Transitive) To make monotonic.
monotonize v. (Transitive) To make monotonous.
MONOTONIZE v. to make into a monotone, also MONOTONISE.
MONZONITESmonzonites n. Plural of monzonite.
MONZONITE n. a coarse-grained intermediate igneous rock.
NOMINALIZEnominalize v. (Linguistics) To use as or change into a noun, usually by affixing a morpheme.
nominalize v. (Philosophy) To make nominalistic.
NOMINALIZE v. to form a noun from, also NOMINALISE.
NONENZYMICnonenzymic adj. Not enzymic.
NONENZYMIC adj. not enzymic.
SYNONYMIZEsynonymize v. To express by a synonym or synonyms.
synonymize v. (Taxonomy) To identify two taxonomic terms as synonyms, thus equating two potentially disparate categories.
SYNONYMIZE v. to make synonymous, also SYNONYMISE.
UNHUMANIZEunhumanize v. (Transitive) To strip of humanity; to dehumanize.
UNHUMANIZE v. to render inhuman or barbarous, also UNHUMANISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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