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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing E, P, S and 3T

ATTEMPTERSattempters n. Plural of attempter.
ATTEMPTER n. one who attempts.
OPERETTISToperettist n. The composer of an operetta.
OPERETTIST n. a composer of operettas.
PATIENTESTpatientest adj. Superlative form of patient: most patient.
PATIENT adj. calm and uncomplaining.
PETROSTATEpetrostate n. A state whose wealth stems from the sale of oil.
PETROSTATE n. a small oil-rich country in which institutions are weak and wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of the few.
PETTICOATSpetticoats n. Plural of petticoat.
PETTICOAT n. a skirt, esp. an underskirt, or a garment of which it forms part.
POTENTATESpotentates n. Plural of potentate.
POTENTATE n. a powerful ruler; a monarch.
PROSTITUTEprostitute v. (Transitive, reflexive) To offer (oneself or someone else) for sexual activity in exchange for money.
prostitute v. (Transitive, derogatory) To sacrifice (Oneself, one’s talents etc.) in return for profit or other advantage;…
prostitute adj. (Obsolete) Debased, corrupt; seeking personal gain by dishonourable means.
PROTESTANTprotestant adj. Alternative letter-case form of Protestant.
protestant adj. Protesting.
protestant n. (Chiefly law) One who protests; a protester.
REATTEMPTSreattempts n. Plural of reattempt.
reattempts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reattempt.
REATTEMPT v. to attempt again.
SPITTLIESTSPITTLY adj. like or covered with spittle.
STREPITANTstrepitant adj. (Rare, archaic) loud; noisy.
STREPITANT adj. making a great clamor; noisy; boisterous, also STREPITOUS.
TITTUPIESTTITTUPY adj. gay, lively, unsteady, also TITTUPPY, TITUPY.
TOOTHPASTEtoothpaste n. A paste, normally used with a toothbrush, for cleaning the teeth.
TOOTHPASTE n. a paste for cleaning the teeth.
TRAMPETTEStrampettes n. Plural of trampette.
TRAMPETTE n. a small trampoline, also TRAMPET.
TYPESETTERtypesetter n. (Historical) A person who sets type; an employee in a printshop who manually selected pieces of movable…
typesetter n. (Historical) A machine that combines type in the correct order for printing.
TYPESETTER n. one whose job is to set type.
UPTIGHTESTuptightest adj. Superlative form of uptight: most uptight.
UPTIGHT adj. tense; straitlaced.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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