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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 9 twelve-letter words containing 5E and P

GREENKEEPERSgreenkeepers n. Plural of greenkeeper.
green␣keepers n. Plural of green keeper.
GREENKEEPER n. a person responsible for the care and upkeep of a golf course, also GREENSKEEPER.
GREENSKEEPERgreenskeeper n. Alternative form of greenkeeper.
GREENSKEEPER n. a person responsible for the care and upkeep of a golf course, also GREENKEEPER.
PEACEKEEPERSpeacekeepers n. Plural of peacekeeper.
PEACEKEEPER n. one who keeps the peace.
PREEMERGENCEpreemergence adj. (Of herbicide use) Before the emergence of the plants being targeted.
PREEMERGENCE adj. used or occurring before the emergence of seedlings above the ground.
PRESWEETENEDpresweetened adj. Sweetened in advance.
PRESWEETEN v. to sweeten in advance.
REEXPERIENCEreexperience n. A renewed or repeated experience.
reexperience v. (Transitive) To experience again or anew.
re-experience v. Alternative form of reexperience.
REPRESENTEESrepresentees n. Plural of representee.
REPRESENTEE n. a person to whom a representation has been made.
STREETKEEPERSTREETKEEPER n. an official formerly employed to keep order in a street or streets.
TELEPRESENCEtelepresence n. Virtual presence in another physical location by means of telecommunication technology.
TELEPRESENCE n. the use of virtual reality to create the illusion of being at a different or imaginary location.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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