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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing 3E, F, L and M

BEFUDDLEMENTbefuddlement n. The state of being befuddled.
BEFUDDLEMENT n. the state of being befuddled.
EFFEMINATELYeffeminately adv. In an effeminate manner.
EFFEMINATE adv. womanish.
ENFEEBLEMENTenfeeblement n. The act of enfeebling; debilitation, enervation or devitalization.
ENFEEBLEMENT n. the act of enfeebling.
EXEMPLIFIERSexemplifiers n. Plural of exemplifier.
EXEMPLIFIER n. one who exemplifies.
FEEBLEMINDEDfeebleminded adj. Alternative spelling of feeble-minded.
feeble-minded adj. Weak in intellectual power; lacking firmness or constancy; lacking intelligence.
FEEBLEMINDED adj. mentally deficient.
FELLMONGEREDfellmongered v. Simple past tense and past participle of fellmonger.
FELLMONGER v. to sell skins.
FEMALENESSESfemalenesses n. Plural of femaleness.
FEMALENESS n. the state of being female.
MALEFICENCESmaleficences n. Plural of maleficence.
MALEFICENCE n. the act of committing harm or evil.
MELLIFLUENCEmellifluence n. (Of a voice) The quality of sounding mellifluous; that is, the quality of sounding very smooth or pleasant.
MELLIFLUENCE n. a smooth sweet flow.
MILLEFEUILLEmillefeuille n. Alternative spelling of mille-feuille.
mille-feuille n. A type of pastry made of several layers of puff pastry usually filled with cream or custard, and topped…
MILLEFEUILLE n. (French) a rich confection of thin layers of puff pastry and a filling of jam, cream, etc.
REFOULEMENTSrefoulements n. Plural of refoulement.
REFOULEMENT n. the act of forcing a refugee to return to a place from which he or she is seeking asylum.
SELFSAMENESSselfsameness n. The property of two or more appearances of being of the selfsame underlying object; sameness as regards…
SELFSAMENESS n. the state of being selfsame.
SEMIFLEXIBLEsemiflexible adj. Partially flexible (and partially rigid).
SEMIFLEXIBLE adj. somewhat flexible.
SUPERFEMALESsuperfemales n. Plural of superfemale.
SUPERFEMALE n. a very remarkable female.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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