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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing E, 2F, O, S and U

BUFFOONERIESbuffooneries n. Plural of buffoonery.
BUFFOONERY n. foolish or playful behavior.
COFFEEHOUSEScoffeehouses n. Plural of coffeehouse.
coffee-houses n. Plural of coffee-house.
coffee␣houses n. Plural of coffee house.
COUNTERBUFFScounterbuffs n. Plural of counterbuff.
COUNTERBUFF v. to rebuff.
EFFUSIOMETEReffusiometer n. A device that measures the rate of effusion of a gas.
EFFUSIOMETER n. an instrument for comparing the molecular weights of gases.
EXSUFFLATIONexsufflation n. (Obsolete) A blast from beneath.
exsufflation n. (Obsolete) A kind of exorcism by blowing with the breath.
exsufflation n. (Biology, obsolete) A strongly forced expiration of air from the lungs.
FLAMMIFEROUSflammiferous adj. Producing flame.
FLAMMIFEROUS adj. producing flame.
FORCEFULNESSforcefulness n. The characteristic or quality of being forceful.
FORCEFULNESS n. the state of being forceful.
FORESIGHTFULforesightful adj. Having, exercising, or characterised by foresight; forward-looking; prudent.
FORESIGHTFUL adj. full of foresight.
FOURFOLDNESSfourfoldness n. The property of being fourfold.
FOURFOLDNESS n. the state of being fourfold.
FRONDIFEROUSfrondiferous adj. Producing fronds.
FRONDIFEROUS adj. bearing or producing fronds.
FRUCTIFEROUSfructiferous adj. Bearing fruit.
FRUCTIFEROUS adj. bearing fruit.
FURFURACEOUSfurfuraceous adj. Made of bran.
furfuraceous adj. Resembling bran; having or characterised by small flakes that resemble bran; resembling dandruff.
FURFURACEOUS adj. containing bran or particles resembling bran, also FURFUROUS.
OVEREFFUSIVEovereffusive adj. Excessively effusive.
OVEREFFUSIVE adj. excessively effusive.
OVERFULFILLSoverfulfills v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overfulfill.
OVERFULFILL v. to fulfill to excess.
OVERSTUFFINGoverstuffing v. Present participle of overstuff.
overstuffing n. Material used in upholstering just under the top fabric.
OVERSTUFF v. to stuff to excess.
SHUFFLEBOARDshuffleboard n. (Uncountable) A game that involves sliding a puck or coin towards a target.
shuffleboard n. (Countable) The long, narrow board on which this game is played.
SHUFFLEBOARD n. an old game in which a coin or other disc was driven along a table by the hand, also SHOVELBOARD.
SUFFRUTICOSEsuffruticose adj. (Botany) Having a woody base, but shrubby higher up.
SUFFRUTICOSE adj. of a perennial plant, having a woody base, but remaining herbaceous in upper part.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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