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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing E, G, 2L, P and T

APOLOGETICALapologetical adj. Apologetic.
APOLOGETICAL adj. expressing apology, also APOLOGETIC.
GEOPOLITICALgeopolitical adj. Of or relating to geopolitics.
GEOPOLITICAL adj. relating to geopolitics.
LAMPLIGHTERSlamplighters n. Plural of lamplighter.
LAMPLIGHTER n. one whose job it is to light lamps.
MULTIPLEXINGmultiplexing v. Present participle of multiplex.
multiplexing n. The simultaneous transmission of multiple signals on the same channel.
MULTIPLEXING n. the act of incorporating into a multiplex signal.
PALEONTOLOGYpaleontology n. (American spelling) Study of the forms of life existing in prehistoric or geologic times, especially…
PALEONTOLOGY n. the study of fossils, also PALAEONTOLOGY.
PEDESTALLINGpedestalling v. Present participle of pedestal.
PEDESTAL v. to provide with an architectural support.
PELLETIFYINGPELLETIFY v. to make into a pellet.
PENTAGONALLYpentagonally adv. In the form of a pentagon; with five angles.
PENTAGONAL adv. having five corners or angles.
PESTOLOGICALpestological adj. Relating to pestology.
PESTOLOGICAL adj. related to pestology, the science of pests.
PETROLOGICALpetrological adj. Of or pertaining to petrology, the study of rock formation and composition.
PETROLOGICAL adj. relating to petrology, also PETROLOGIC.
PHLEGMATICALphlegmatical adj. Phlegmatic.
PHLEGMATICAL adj. of a calm, unexcitable disposition, also PHLEGMATIC.
PLACENTOLOGYplacentology n. (Medicine) The study of the placenta.
PLACENTOLOGY n. the scientific study of placentae.
PLATEGLASSESplate␣glasses n. Plural of plate glass.
PLATEGLASS n. a kind of glass used for windows.
PLATELAYINGSPLATELAYING n. the laying of rails for a railway.
PREALLOTTINGpreallotting v. Present participle of preallot.
PREALLOT v. to allot beforehand.
PROFLIGATELYprofligately adv. In a profligate manner.
PROFLIGATE adv. debauched; rashly extravagant.
PYROGALLATESpyrogallates n. Plural of pyrogallate.
PYROGALLATE n. any salt or ester of pyrogallol.
SPELEOLOGISTspeleologist n. A person who studies or explores caves or studies the science of speleology.
SPELEOLOGIST n. one who explores caves.
TYPHLOLOGIESTYPHLOLOGY n. the study of blindness and the blind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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